Einsten problem-again Peter please help!


New member

I have some problem 2 weeks ago with my Einstein, because 1 of the tubes of each pair was redplating (glowing strong red), this happed only 2 times, I instantly put it to standby, and I didn't have any problem since then. ( I ordered another set of tubes, but still waiting to arrive).

Ok so today I played for 2 hours, then I was messing with my effects pedals ( not in use with Einstein), I put one of the pedals on the top of the amp and I dropped it from like 1 cm on top of the head, then loud pop sound from the cab and the one of the fuses blow? :confused:

What is causing this? The amps are build like tanks, is it related to not so good tubes? Or such small vibration caused this

I changed the fuse, and everything works again, I played another hour with "problematic" tube pair, and only a few strange pops (not loud) was heard.

I hope that this is becouse of tubes needs to be changed and not some mechanical problem inside the amp.

Peter any suggestion?

Thank you

the situation with the power tubes today is very bad.

If You buy 3 sets of new tubes You can have 3 broken
sets. 30% of EL34´s were maxed out during our test
managment, 20% I assume got bad at the customer.

I have no more trust in EL34 or 6L6 tubes ! A lot of
amp manufactures are complaining this time.

In 1970 the tubes were ready and reliable for 150 watts
each quartet. Nowadays they are rated for less then 100

Go with the 6550-SED and You are happy for 99%

Peter, thanks for your fast reply, I have some EL34 and 6550 comming in my mail.

The tube change is easy I thought for a second that there is something else wrong with the amp, or that I damage it by dropping the fx pedal on top too hard, and this caused the blown fuse :confused:
