Engl Tubes?


New member
Brand new Powerball II owner here, got a great deal on a scratch and dent from Musician's Friend. I noticed the tubes are all branded Engl. Does Engl do the same as Mesa with regard to the fixed bias and needing to use only their tubes? Came from a Roadster head and didn't realize is have the same thing to deal with for Engl. Love the tone from this thing though. It's a bad ass amp. :rock:
Congrats on the new amp and welcome to the ENGL family!
No, ENGLs are not fixed bias amps, you will definitely need to re-bias when replacing the tubes.
Not sure what tubes come stock, but I always switch them out anyways.
On the advice of another forum member I use SED ==C== and they worked great for me.
Very cool, thanks.

So any idea if there's a pot trimmer in the amp then? I have a bias probe so I can take measurements and make sure I have them at the right voltage. There aren't a lot of places to find info on these amps by what I can tell. This is the only forum that I've really found. The one thing with the Mesa's is that there are a couple forums where you can find info like this if you just do a couple searches for the right thing.



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Can't help you there man.
I know there IS a trim pot but I have no idea where on your model!
The PBII is fairly new so I'm not sure if anybody has written up a primer w/ pics for it yet, but that would be your best bet.
Check the ENGL forum (not the one here, that one's pretty dead).
If you reach a dead-end, it might be worth taking it to your local ENGL certified tech and have him show you the first time.