Epiphone So Cal Discontinued


New member
Does anybody know WHY this amp was discontinued? It sounded like a good amp, and the price was right. I really wonder if there is any chance of a re-release on this thing. It could possibly be Epiphone's best amp. Seems like it sold well enough while it was available.

Can anyone suggest an alternate? I'm basically looking for the same thing, good glassy cleans, tube driven spring verb, EL34 based power system (prefereably), two channels, low price, 50ish Watts, low watt selector would be nice.

I almost feel like I'm asking for the moon, but this amp had it all. I will be looking for one on eBay when I get the funds, but I don't think I am going to see any bargains. What would be better for more money? Something like an Alchemist or a Marshall MA50H?
um cause nobody bought them...should be able to score on cheap on the bay id go for something else though what about a mesa combo?
Well, I was interested in a head not a combo. I am not currently buying on eBay because all the ones I have seen are over $500 with shipping. That is not cheap. They used to sell for $500 new shipped.

I was wondering if they are so unbought, why they have sold out from every online retailer? Especially since there is every unsuccessful, unpopular version of the Epiphone Valve/Blues Junior/Senior/Hotrod in stock everywhere.

Just thought I'd ask to see what people knew about it, if anything. It's looking like a Blackstar Studio 20H or a Marshall MA50H is closest to what I want, depending on whether I prioritize low Wattage or spring reverb. Scouting eBay carefully still might be my best bet.