evh 5153 stealth 100 $1260 on gc used right now

I really liked the 50 watt Stealth I had and would get more utility out of a full three channel layout, particularly because I just don't really like the red channel on any of the 5153 models, so with the 50 watt I really ended up trying to use it like a single channel amp which was not ideal. If I could get the Stealth green and blue channels plus the original Peavey red channel sound that would be the perfect and ultimate 5150.
Great deal, but I won’t buy anything shipped from guitar center. They Usually just put everything in an oversized box and let it bounce all over the place.
damn.... I just literally put a 50 watt stealth on layaway two days ago. it was 1200... good deal and local so I can pick up, but man this is a steal.