Find free music files using google.

Why not just use google blogsearch and search for completely uploaded albums on rapidshare/mediafire/megaupload/etc? Way more efficient.
Hate to be the bad guy, but getting music for free is stealing no matter what this generation things or feels about it. Music is my life and my bread and butter, and I have gained much more appreciation to helping support artists and what not. Lets not let music lose any more value then it already has.

sorry for the rant.
I don't mind music sharing for things I can't find/buy, but if it's available to buy I just buy it. Even if I've bought it before and lost/broke/wore out/wutever'd it, I'll still pay for it again. Not too many people get to make it in music as it is, and the artists usually get screwed even if they do. I don't mind paying a buck for a downloaded song or $10-20 for an album. I think it's cool enough to be able to buy singles for a buck and not have to buy full CD's of bands that I only like one song from. Certain songs I can't find for sale anywhere though so my only option is to get a copy from someone who has it. City Beneath the Sea from Savatage comes to mind.
I guess i am a little surprised on a music forum for people to be supporting free downloads, after all, it isn't quite legal. Its hard to understand if you don't make your living from music alone. The industry is going down the crapper because of the de-preciation of music and the hard work it goes into producing something like that. Go to a engineer sites, or composer sites, where there are hard working engineers and people in the bizness and tell them about free music downloads, and just see what they say :gethim:

I mean I totally get the apeal and how it is more or less accepted, but this is an unfortunate misconception of this generation, and it is effecting lots of areas in music. I mean one could argue that the artists get screwed anyway so you are stiffin the record companies, yada yada. And there are some sites where the artist chooses to give away their music. But the majority has not choosen for thier music to be taken.

like I said, I am not trying to be a jerk, just somone who makes thier full time income from audio and music, and some of the younger people I know, they are just not educated into the expense and hard work it takes to put out music, and I for one don't want to take advantage of that.

heck, I don't even let people make copies of thier cd's for me. I have no problems at all going to i-tunes and paying a buck for a song, that is cheap!
Audioholic":3rng45b7 said:
I guess i am a little surprised on a music forum for people to be supporting free downloads, after all, it isn't quite legal. Its hard to understand if you don't make your living from music alone. The industry is going down the crapper because of the de-preciation of music and the hard work it goes into producing something like that. Go to a engineer sites, or composer sites, where there are hard working engineers and people in the bizness and tell them about free music downloads, and just see what they say :gethim:

I mean I totally get the apeal and how it is more or less accepted, but this is an unfortunate misconception of this generation, and it is effecting lots of areas in music. I mean one could argue that the artists get screwed anyway so you are stiffin the record companies, yada yada. And there are some sites where the artist chooses to give away their music. But the majority has not choosen for thier music to be taken.

like I said, I am not trying to be a jerk, just somone who makes thier full time income from audio and music, and some of the younger people I know, they are just not educated into the expense and hard work it takes to put out music, and I for one don't want to take advantage of that.

heck, I don't even let people make copies of thier cd's for me. I have no problems at all going to i-tunes and paying a buck for a song, that is cheap!

You're really changing opinions one post at a time. Good job. :thumbsup:
Audioholic":12n0sssb said:
I guess i am a little surprised on a music forum for people to be supporting free downloads, after all, it isn't quite legal. Its hard to understand if you don't make your living from music alone. The industry is going down the crapper because of the de-preciation of music and the hard work it goes into producing something like that. Go to a engineer sites, or composer sites, where there are hard working engineers and people in the bizness and tell them about free music downloads, and just see what they say :gethim:

Legality/Morality aside, I think the record companies are to blame for the "depreciation" or de-appreciation of music. Let's face it, the industry's tactics have been the same for at least 50 years with respect to artists, how they treat them and what music they put out. I'd argue that it's actually getting worse in terms of "manufacturing" artists.

Not that I'm a major record producer but I'm doing all the engineering/producing for my band's CD and it's definitely a lot of hard work. I'd also argue that the people that do the most work in the industry are the least paid. It's like that in every industry, actually. Either way, it's taking a lot of my time and patience working on this CD. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do once it's done. I'll probably put in on iTunes or whatever but I'll probably give the album away.
I mean there is more then ever chances for artists to get their music heard/sold with online and internet types of marketplaces. So this is very good news for the aspiring artists. Heck someone with not much talent can make music and sell a few songs, which I think its great. No doubt record companies and contracts are way screwed up in their order of who is getting money, and there is alot of crap out there and manufacturing artists, but that is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hard working talent out there. So many great artists and music. I can't say the depreciation of music comes from the top though. Part of it is the reduced cost of recording gear and computers, now anyone can make and record music, which mostly is a good thing. Most of the time, they cannot compare to the depth and quality of doing it in a great sounding room and studio, but after mastering has crushed every last transient from those songs, perhaps the difference is reduced ever more :LOL: :LOL:

So there just seems to be this mentality that we can get, or deserve music for free more then ever now adays. You know I think Gene Simmons from kiss wrote an article about this, not that I am a kiss fan, but he made some good points, and I can find it if anyone wants to read about it.

sorry for my rants, just a passion of mine.

Blesings :rock:
The only way I buy music anymore is direct from the Artist. I will not support the industry anymore.
Audioholic":32l6wwnx said:
So many great artists and music. I can't say the depreciation of music comes from the top though. Part of it is the reduced cost of recording gear and computers, now anyone can make and record music, which mostly is a good thing. Most of the time, they cannot compare to the depth and quality of doing it in a great sounding room and studio, but after mastering has crushed every last transient from those songs, perhaps the difference is reduced ever more :LOL: :LOL:

Blesings :rock:

It's cool. I can understand your passion. But your argument is flawed since it's the majors that are crushing mixes with compression. Why? Because they will be on the radio where they need to compete with the other songs and you need to be able to hear everything while driving in your car, for example. Talk to any of the guys in the HC recording forum that owns a small studio that they all hate over compressed mixes.

The same thing with your cheap gear comment. First, what you hear on the radio was not done with cheap gear. Second, cheap gear these days sounds pretty damn good. It's ability that you need to make the cheap gear sound good.

I still blame the labels.
Even mastering engineers hate over limited tracks, And no, its not just the majors, music from all sorts are falling into the loudness wars, so music I hear, and its a decent amount, is getting limited pretty heavy widely. IT really doesn't have anything to do with the radio and standing out. Heck I have done countless commercial productions that go on teh radio, and sometimes I kept levels below 0 and they play at the same level as uber limited music. There is compression already happening with radio.

Its just a trend where people feel louder is better. And you know, some uber loud music sounds pretty darn good for how they got it that loud. listening to your track and then next to a track that is really loud, it gives the impression that the quiter one was not as professional, which isn't really true. You know, thats why they make volume knobs, turn it up :thumbsup:

I actually like hot program material for the most part, but there comes a point to where I hope the loudness wars will die down, and we will realize that sometimes its just better to turn it up rather then have everything so dang sqaushed. Its not limiting, limiting on the master can really tie a mix together, just its getting to overuse of limiting.

Cheap gear can sound decent, it won't really have the depth that can be attained using really high end gear, I have had the ability to work on both. in the end, the songwriting and prodution is more important. My comment was that with the ability to setup a workable recording path now adays, that this has allowed more people to record music, which is mostly good.

Look, I have been an engineer for about 10 years and worked in music and post studios. I now try to compose music as my full time gig for Games and commercials and what not. Its a tough industry, and seeing people and clients losing the appreciation of value in music, doesn't help. There is no one person or organization to blame, but taking music for free, or software for free (cracked software), it just isn't good. I would not take ya'll music production without paying for it, or hours writing software code, unless it was offered for free by you. I would want to honor your talent and work.
Its not our fault that recorded music has no inherent value, i.e. anything that can be copied perfectly for free millions of time has very little value.
Audioholic":30w36s9p said:
So there is no value in music? is that what you are saying? No worth in the thought, talent put into it?

Not in the format that recorded music is produced in. Of course live music still has value since the full experience of it can not be duplicated for free.
Audioholic":1sunwcro said:
I guess i am a little surprised on a music forum for people to be supporting free downloads, after all, it isn't quite legal.

Lol since when have musicians been known for adhering to laws?