Floor based multi fx for in front of amp with minimal tone suck?

Hi. I’m looking to simplify my rig. Used to run a rack unit with midi controller. Currently in a band that does a lot of opener slots for bigger touring packages and have to set up in front of a whole tour package’s worth of backline as well as have limited setup/tear down time.
Looking for a floor based multi fx unit to run straight in front of the amp. Looking to not have to run cables back and forth from the floor to amp fx loop. Don’t care about amp modeling or cab IR or distortions. Just FX.Two main units I’m looking at are the TC Plethora X5 and the Boss MS-3. I know all the different functions and features of all the main units out there. I’m looking for people’s experience with the units with all effects bypassed and how much tone suck is had? Not opposed to using external buffer units if needed and for reference I’m using a Pepers Dirty Tree into a Mesa Badlander 100 head.
I have used an MS 3 with my Mesa Royal Atlantic for the last few years. Super versatile and meets my needs well. I use a boss FS 7 to change channels on the amp with the expression jack, and run a TC Booster/Line Driver in Loop 1 for boost. The amp runs in loop 2 in 4 CM and I can run the internal effects before or after the preamp. No experience with the Plethora, but once I got the MS3 it handled all I needed it to do.
Don’t understand what you need here.

You want a multifx unit to go to the front of the amp but don’t care about distortion or boosts?

Time based fx go in the loop, delays, reverbs etc.

You gonna run that stuff in front you’re gonna be playing through some mud unless it’s just super mild stuff.

Just an opinion.

I run a Line6 HXFX in 4cm into a Herbert. I have a solid boost/fuzz situation and didn’t want to go down a $2k delay/reverb rabbit hole, the HXFX works great for me. Was about 15 mins of auditioning things and I had what I wanted.

The MS3 is a sick unit, slightly harder to program but more loops. Still wouldn’t run anything like this into the front of an amp, though.
If your concern is tone suck, then get a buffer for longer cable runs (what tends to cause it).

If you're concern is a shitty multifx, then yeah fair enough.

I guess my point is make sure you don't have tone suck before throwing the multifx in between your guitar and amp, otherwise you'll be doing more troubleshooting in the future.
My advice is to look at the unit you think is easiest to navigate for you since it's going to be used in a live situation. There will probably be times where you'll need to change on the fly. I have an MS-3 but have only used it 4CM and would say it's not going to be the easiest for changes on the fly. If you're a set and forget, it's a pretty nice unit.
3rd vote for Fractal FX8 MKII. I use mine in a 4 cable method with my Splawn Nitro for effects and switching channels. Works like a charm.

EDIT: I use mine in 4 cable method as I utilize the built in WAH and want to check out the boost. Also use the Tuner. But majority of usage is of post-preamp section items such as modulation and delays.
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Highly recommend looking into PedalSnake - will allow you to run power+4cm with just one single cable between your amp and floorboard. Makes setting up/breaking down quickly a breeze.

As far as multi-fx units go, I've really been digging the HX Effects. The effects in the Fractal units are probably better, but the Line 6 is just so easy to dial in.
Depends on which effects you use. Before the amp, if it is not a boost or gain, you are pretty much looking at maybe Phaser and Flanger. Everything else belongs in the effects loop.