For the love of god is there a pedal with one button to turn on a boost and delay?

Another vote for loop switcher.. I use a Joyo PXL-Pro loop switcher to control my pedals and switching on my amp. With one button I can switch channels and have pedals patched in that are both in front of the amp and in the loop. Relatively inexpensive compared to something look a Boss ES-8
The Radial EFX works awesome! Got it hooked up today. The only "bad" thing is with my Decimator on the board as well, alot of logistics needed to get everything I'm the right spot.
Im looking into this same thing. I used to have the TC Flashback and i know if you plug it into a computer there are lots of parameters you can adjust, does anyone know if overall volume boost is part of that programming?
The Strymon TimeLine will allow you to set a boost on the delay preset. This is a per preset feature. That, or as mentioned, you can get a loop switcher and activate multiple pedals at the same time. Personally, I am fond of the Musicom Labs EFX MK III. It is an older unit that can be had for a good price, that is still a very professional unit.
EH Nano Memory Man has a master level control (different than mix control). And it’s a fantastic delay. Much clearer than the big box MM

Catalinbread EchoRec has an internal gain trim pot
The Strymon TimeLine will allow you to set a boost on the delay preset. This is a per preset feature. That, or as mentioned, you can get a loop switcher and activate multiple pedals at the same time. Personally, I am fond of the Musicom Labs EFX MK III. It is an older unit that can be had for a good price, that is still a very professional uni
The Strymon TimeLine will allow you to set a boost on the delay preset. This is a per preset feature. That, or as mentioned, you can get a loop switcher and activate multiple pedals at the same time. Personally, I am fond of the Musicom Labs EFX MK III. It is an older unit that can be had for a good price, that is still a very professional

EH Nano Memory Man has a master level control (different than mix control). And it’s a fantastic delay. Much clearer than the big box MM

Catalinbread EchoRec has an internal gain trim pot
Thanks im gonna check that out. Looks great!
They are out of production and overpriced used but the moog minifooger delay has a killer boost circuit after the delay. I often set it up to be a solo boost in the amps loop. Works perfectly.
with multi effects unit like the Fractal FX8 you have "Scenes" 5 per patch so each scene is a mix of what ever effects you want
scene one chorus
scene 2 OD + Delay
scene 3 chorus + OD + Delay etc.
works great and I can do it 'per Patch" which means per song if I need to
maybe not what you're looking for but it is a solution to your presented problem :)
Do you have it set up to do channel switching as well? or just have the amp set clean/cleanish, & use the boost for distortion? Also - 4 cable for time based/pitch effects?
Do you have it set up to do channel switching as well? or just have the amp set clean/cleanish, & use the boost for distortion? Also - 4 cable for time based/pitch effects?
I have set up in 4CM, I could set it up to do the channel switching as well, I just never got around to doing it. I have song specific patches and then 2 main ones I use that have scenes in them so it's been working out well as is. I very rarely go clean/dirty during songs , just usually need to kick on the solo boost for leads, so it's a 2 step, solo boost/scene selection. I don't do anything fancy LOL!
That’s three petals to do the work of one. Doesn’t make sense to me.

What he's asking to do is likely going to require him to compromise on space or sound, one or the other. Personally in this case I'd compromise on space so that's what I suggested.

However, if the goal is to just get "some some delay and a boost, any delay and boost in one pedal, who cares?" then sure, find a pedal that will do that and just hope it sounds close to what you want. But if you have a delay and a boost you prefer, then a looper pedal is the way to do it.
That’s three petals to do the work of one. Doesn’t make sense to me.
It's not three pedals to do the work of one, it's three pedals doing the work of three. What OP is asking for is one pedal to do the work of one, in which case he may or may not be SOL.