Former Eggie considering Tourmaster...Need help with QC ?'s


New member
Hey guys,

First off, I haven't been to this forum in about 9 months after selling my Mod 50. I had a Mod 50 for about 8 months and really loved it but I had a T/D and COD module and was not really bonding with the COD. I am not much of a gear tweaker/swapper, more of a plug and play type so I didn't try out any other modules. I know, my loss but at $400 a module and a few weeks to get one I didn't have the extra money or time to experiment. I gig about 2-3 times a week and don't like carrying a pedalboard or rack equipment--I am already bringing the PA equip.

Anyway, I play blues rock and am using an Allen Old Flame with either a 212 or 410 config and am pretty happy with it however, I do need to carry a pedalboard in order to get the fuzz/distortion tones that I need. Also, the Allen is 40 watts and tube rectified--it sounds killer but I feel i need something else with some more punch and power. I have been looking for an amp that can do really good cleans, on the edge of clean and flat out jimi / srv type distortion with lots of sustain and power. I play with a few drummers, some which are heavy hitters so an amp capable of 100 watts is a good plus.

Which brings me to...the Egnater Tourmaster.

About a year ago, before I bought my Mod 50, I was playing around in a GC and tried the Tourmaster. I was not looking for a new amp but instantly fell in love with the capability and tones coming from the tourmaster. It acually made me all giddy playing that thing for 2+ hours and accessing all the tones I needed. Also, the features are pretty impressive and the digital reverb, which some say is understated, to me sits perfectly where it should--in the background. It was that tourmaster that led me to the mod 50. I had done alot of research online and found mostly qc issues with the then-new made in china line. That research led me to the mod 50 so I bought it. Now fast forward to yesterday. Until now I have been playing the allen old flame but am looking for something else that will do more in terms of versatility. I was at GC yesterday and played the tourmaster again (after not playing one in about a year) and fell in love with it again--and that's after playing fenders, mesas, and marshalls yesterday! The Tourmaster just sounds about perfect for me with tons of features I think will be usefull at the gigs. And I think, is sounds way better than the MESA's I have tried. electra-dyne, lonestar, express 550.

I want a TM head and 212 cab but I am really worried about the reliability of these. The amp seems perfect with one exception, reliability and customer service. I am not a bedroom player, nor do my amps get placed in a studio and don't move. They are gigged hard, sometimes at really high volume, the footswitches are going to get used and stomped on. The amps will get banged around--no matter how carefull you are with them, if you are a gigging musician that is going to happen. I want to hear from other TM users who are out there gigging. Does the TM keep up? Have you had any problems? A TM head and cab will run about $1800-$1900 which is expensive for a chineese made amp but, like I said, everytime i play it in GC it sounds better than any other amp I have tried. Egnater has some great sounding stuff but are they made for the gigging musician? Are they going to keep up?
I wanna hear your experiences.....

thanks, in advance

It's a tube reverb, not digital.

The only problems I have had with mine are things that could have happened with anything- a few bad tubes, and the footswitch went bad after being stomped on a million times. Egnater certainly handled these problems.

There are sometimes some customer service issues, but I wouldn't call it anything that should stop you from getting the amp. I'd buy another one!

I have the combo not the stack, but it's great!

Thanks for your reply. anyone else? i can really see myself gigging with this amp and bringing just a wah and tuner. I just read that you can use the fx loop as a clean boost. That's a great feature for live.
The only drawbacks that I would consider as at all serious are that it is really heavy, and that I think the line out is too noisy for recording. I can handle the weight most of the time, and I mike it up for recording anyway, so it isn't really a big deal.

Ocassionally I think about getting rid of it, but I can't find anything else in that price range that matches it in terms of sound, quality, features, and power. I think it is the best of the Egnater imported line, and somewhat unsung- The Rebel and the Renegade are the big sellers, but they don't have quite the right features for me, although the Rebel 30 2 X 12 combo is tempting, and lighter. Still, I think the Tourmaster sounds better.

The Tourmaster is very well built..It's as good a construction as anything Mesa or Marshall is doing....Modern PCB boards ect....but if it was hand wired, the head alone would cost 3X what it does...I gigged with mine for 2 issues except it was to heavy
i love it. no issues whatsoever yet, other than NOT finding a bad tone.

one other thing, if you order an amp jewel from
it wont fit. the threading on the jewel they have is too fine.
other than that, seriously, the best amp i've ever owned (i've had mesa, marshall, fender, hybrid pre and power rack units, etc).
I've owned mine for about 6 months now...aside from the weight, I love Doug's tubes to retube it for me and it sings....I use 2 marshall 4x12's with it and a Robin guitar with paf pro's in it....pros are great tone, has much flexibility if u want that...easy to set up and start gigging....con is the weight...but if you have a padded dolly, it's not that bad...I need help when I stack it high....real high gain has some hiss in it but i'm trying to find a cure for this.