Former MOD 50 Owner Returning to.....


New member
...another MOD 50!

Well about a year and a half ago I bought a MOD 50 and used it for 6 months but I sold it to recoup some some cash. I guess I sold it because I am primarily a blues, blues/rock guy and felt the MOD 50 was too much. To many channels, to many watts, to many switches and knobs etc. Well, listening back to recordings from live gigs I find my tone is the best with the MOD 50. Last time I had a T/D and a COD module but this time i think i am going to start with a VX or D/D and a SL. Sounds to me that the MOD 50 sounds more refined and even across the sound spectrum in a good way. Not spikey or hard to EQ and the tone just fits right in the mix. So, is there alot of MOD 50 love out there still?
Much love for the Mod50, but due to finances, I'm looking to sell mine. I'm keeping the M4 and modules, but I do have a great condition Mod50 that I need to move.
Still love and use the amp every day. I have gone through almost every processor, modeller, easy way out in an effort to replace it... It doesn't compare. I have a D/D and SL that I'd be willing to pair with mboogman's chassis if your are interested in getting back in the game. Good luck, either way.
Much love here... for versatility and tone it seems unbeatable. If you have some cash to invest in tube experimentation that will really bring the 'sweet spot' home for you.
I think the VX and a SL, as you stated, is a winning combination. Such a variety of tones right there.

Welcome back!
Love my MOD50. Love it so much, my Bogner Ecstasy Classic sits at home collecting dust! LOL

It cuts through the mix fantastic. I previously used a Mesa Tremoverb live, and the MOD50 is like night-and-day. WAY better for getting out in front of the mix - at least as a lead guitar player in a two guitar band.

JETSTRAT --> If you are only doing 2 modules and given the music you play, I would personally go BMAN and SL2.
JETSTRAT --> If you are only doing 2 modules and given the music you play, I would personally go BMAN and SL2.

I started off with this combo -- still have the BMAN, but sold the SL2 in favor of an EG3/4 (with a slight gain reduction mod from Bruce). If you spend a lot of time on the treble strings I think you'll like the fatter/fuller presentation that the EG3/4 gives in that area.
I actually have the SL2 and EG3/4 (amongst MANY others......LOL). I personally prefer the SL2, as it gives me more of the Marshall upper mid scream that I need.

Don't get me wrong - I love the EG3/4 too. It just produces more of that saggy, "brown" sound, which I don't need in the projects I am currently involved in.......
I looooooove the mod50. Ever since I've had it I've stopped looking at anything related to other amps, new flavor of the week etc. It's the amp for me, and rocks in every way imaginable. Very usable master volume so I can use it for at home noodling too.

Egnater = Win :rock:
MOD 50 rules. I play in the same vain as you, blues rock, with a tilt towards rock. Arc Angels, ZZ Top, Storyville etc. You need a Bassman module and you must have an Xotic BB Preamp. My latest treasure is the Barber LTD mod PCB. Bassman channel 2 + Barber. Incredible. Can't stop playing it. Things I didn't even know I could play are flying off the fret board. It's really ridiculous. I really don't even need any thing else, don't even know what to do with the other channel any more. My EG3X usually camps out there, but with the Barber ... no need. Thinking about going with my Gigmods, DLX Randall module for an extra clean Fender spank channel. Why not?
Oh and about the EG seies, you really should do the X mod, I highly recommend it. Same smooth, upper mid cut that works it's magic in the mix.
Don't get me wrong - I love the EG3/4 too. It just produces more of that saggy, "brown" sound, which I don't need in the projects I am currently involved in.......

Yeah, there's so many variables at work -- speakers, tubes, cables, pickups. Two different players might essentially come up with the same sound with a completely different equipment list. In other words, if someone's 'fixed' components produce a slightly muddy sound then a thinner sounding module might be the ticket or conversely if the fixed components are on the brighter side a darker module might bring a more proper balance of frequencies. Still, it's fun to get folks impressions of various pieces of gear for reference purposes.
Loved my MOD50s....hated the black and tan....prolly have a MOD50 again at some point if I can grab a different headshell :)