Friedman Dirty Shirley Mini for metal?


New member
I was previously thinking of a Pink Taco, but I need clean tones.
It seems like the Dirty Shirley Mini might be a better choice.
Can this thing handle 80's/90's metal tones?
Dio, Ratt, Extreme....
This is just for playing and recording in a home studio.
Its a classic rock amp, right? Like a JCM? Just grab a couple pedals and you're off. I'm sure it would sound good with the right combination. SD1, Maxon etc.
Better yet, grab a BE pedal with it.. :rock:
Have you considered the Friedman Smallbox 50 or even a Soldano Hot Rod 25? Seems like they might be more what you are looking for. The Soldano of course has way more gain than most of the Friedmans.
all you need is a koko boost. I use it with my small box. I crank the gain all the way with my small box and leave the koko at unity and just use it for more aggressive mids. It just pumps the whole sound up. Its not a better sound it is just different.
I own a Dirty Shirley Mini and it can get some of the best classic and hard rock tones if not the best I've heard on any lunchbox type amp. But many don't know how versatile it is and yes you can play metal on it, but if your looking for pristine cleans I'd look elsewhere. I can get real nice cleans using this Homebrew Detox EQ pedal I got, but for your needs you might need something that is a little less fat and JTM45 sounding, cause the Mini DS sounds more like a cranked higher gain JTM45 to me.

Maybe your just wanting that Friedman tone and I understand that 100%, but I would demo one and others if you can.
I'm w/ jlb32... no way would I drop that much coin on an amp I had to put a stomp box in front of to get my bread and butter tones. If I had Friedman small amp wood with those requirements I'd be looking at the Small box since the thing is targeted dead square at what you are doing rather than some super-expensive-can almost-do-it-but-it-needs-a-pedal-but-for-some-reason-I-still-want-it-because-some-guy-posted-a-cool-youtube-video-that-gave-me-GAS amp.If I'm spending a grand+ on an amp it better crush the base tone out of the box. I know some people love stomps. Just IMHO.
So I got to play the Dirty Shirley mini today. It's a great amp, but I can't quite get it clean enough or dirty enough for my needs. I stopped by GC Sherman Oaks on the way back and played a few other amps. The Diezel D-mall was nice. I didn't bond with it, but it was nice. I didn't care for the Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555X at all. I've played a 5150 III before, but this one sounded better then I remember. I actually liked it better than the Friedman SmallBox. The Friedman SS100 is still my favorite! If I could afford the SS100 I'd get it. But I still liked the sound of my own rig better than everything else I tried. Plus I've got a great new module on order that I'm excited to play with. So, steady as she goes for now.