Frusciante back with the RHCP

New album has been out over a month. I think it's their best since Californication. They brought some of the funk back, and his guitar tones are on point. The interplay between Flea and John feels fresh yet familiar.

FWIW I hated By the Way and most of Stadium Arcadium. I expected this new album to be bad to the point of unlistenable. I've been very pleasantly surprised and there are certain songs I cannot get out of my head. The playing isn't particularly flashy (Frusciante never really was flashy for RHCP) but I think the songs are well written and they swing.
^ agreed mostly

Although I liked Stadium Arcadium.

I really like the new album too - Unlimited Love.

(In particular - Here Ever After, Poster Child, It's Only Natural, These Are The Ways, Whatchu Thinkin', Bastards of Light, White Braids, One Way Traffic, the Heavy Wing)

I wish John Frusciante was more prevalent on this album but the more I listed the more I hear his influence. Good that they got back to their more funky roots - I just wish John would 'show off' more. He's good. He deserves too.
Dave was one of my computer clients. He'd just been given the boot when I started working with him on his home studio above Sunset Plaza. Steve Stevens lives a block away, BTW.

Dave was pissed they kicked him out with basically no warning.
Navarro was my biggest influence when I first picked up the guitar and really put the work into it.
It was the song “Oceansize” that I had to learn.
I stayed up for 3 days and attempted to learn
the entire song, but I was concerned Perry & Dave would find out that I’d been caught stealing’.
So I burned the midnight oil one more night and went over it while I was standing in the shower thinking..
I do think he was the wrong fit for their chemistry.
He lays into it with such a heavier/humbucker feel
and flash.
Dave can’t touch him in the funk department.
His ass would get handed to him before he gets his guitar out of it’s case.
He wouldn’t go there because he can’t.
Truth, Baby Ruth!

-Hey you tough guy Detroit mouth!!!
You ever hear Blood Sugar Sex Magic?
Go stick “The Righteous And The Wicked up
Ted Nuggents rectum hole, alrighty??
Is that weird enough for you?