Fryette/VHT Deliverance vs Pittbull

i would really like to date an MTL.. but it seems like prices on the second hand market has been soaring up... not unusual thou am looking either a 2017 0r 2016 era MTL soon... and sorry for shifting quite abit here... i have a D120 and Pittbull.. in my honesty the Pittbull speaks to me more... the D120 has abit more sag classic its meant for saturation where the flagship Pittbull CLX and UL tries not to get saturated no matter how you dial... the CL is another beast... its green channel is to die for !! i find everything is just right its not ultra tight its sweet and its clear dynamic in the most user way.....
I think the sag of Deliverance is what appeals to death metal players . I enjoyed it
For Metal I would say the UL and Deliverance are close enough for me. I would pick it for features you want. Sound and feel the differences would be subjective.
Wizards are about the least compressed amps you could possibly find.
I've heard as much. Imagine my disappointment when I played the MTL and found it to be considerably more compressed than some of the amps I've compared it to like an early Framus Cobra, an old albeit heavily modified Laney VH100R, the already mentioned Pittbull UL, a custom built amp et cetera. Its voicing gave the impression of sounding fatter than some of the other amps but also more mid scooped and I highly preferred the midrange of the Pittbull, especially with the added versatility/range of the grapic EQ.:dunno:
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I've heard as much. Imagine my disappointment when I played the MTL and found it to be considerably more compressed than some of the amps I've compared it to like an early Framus Cobra, an old albeit heavily modified Laney VH100R, the already mentioned Pittbull UL, a custom built amp et cetera. Its voicing gave the impression of sounding fatter than some of the other amps but also more mid scooped and I highly preferred the midrange of the Pittbull, especially with the added versatility/range of the grapic EQ.:dunno:
I’m wondering if the MTL you had had an issue or needed new tubes or something, because that doesn’t sound right to me at all. I own an UL, an it was my favorite until I got my first MTL. The MTL is like an UL on steroids IMO. Still like my UL and the EQ is great. It’s been awhile since I’ve played a Cobra, but that’s a great amp too.
Maybe I'll give it another try in the future. Doubt there was anything wrong with it but a friend lend it to me and still has it.
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Not sure what you were playing but Wizards are about the least compressed amps you could possibly find. What do you consider to be an uncompressed amp?
I had the same experience as you . Had VHTs . While I loved them the wizards were vht on steroids . Like vht with richer harmonies color
I had the same experience as you . Had VHTs . While I loved them the wizards were vht on steroids . Like vht with richer harmonies color
Looks like I just need to get an MTL instead haha.

After playing my MC 6l for about 2 minutes for the first time I just thought, yep this is easily the best amp I’ve ever played.
Looks like I just need to get an MTL instead haha.

After playing my MC 6l for about 2 minutes for the first time I just thought, yep this is easily the best amp I’ve ever played.
For death metal the low end and punch of mtl just crushes . Mtl is loud quick and sounds good fast on the master volume . So if you turn up louder dial gain back to even it back out
I've heard as much. Imagine my disappointment when I played the MTL and found it to be considerably more compressed than some of the amps I've compared it to like an early Framus Cobra, an old albeit heavily modified Laney VH100R, the already mentioned Pittbull UL, a custom built amp et cetera. Its voicing gave the impression of sounding fatter than some of the other amps but also more mid scooped and I highly preferred the midrange of the Pittbull, especially with the added versatility/range of the grapic EQ.:dunno:
Strange. Compressed and muddy are 2 things that neither Wizard I had, a 50w MTL and 100w MC, could be described as being. As others said they are easily the most open and uncompressed amps I've tried; or at least in the top 2-3. Now, the MTL has these 'hollow' mids that I didn't care for...the MC100 was damn near perfect. I'd still have the MC100 but needed the funds from selling it to score a C+ Coliseum.
Something had to be up with it; maybe new tubes/bias needed?
Strange. Compressed and muddy are 2 things that neither Wizard I had, a 50w MTL and 100w MC, could be described as being. As others said they are easily the most open and uncompressed amps I've tried; or at least in the top 2-3. Now, the MTL has these 'hollow' mids that I didn't care for...the MC100 was damn near perfect. I'd still have the MC100 but needed the funds from selling it to score a C+ Coliseum.
Something had to be up with it; maybe new tubes/bias needed?
I agree . Except I find mtl perfect . Especially the punch . But ya not muddy or anything. From any wizard
Strange. Compressed and muddy are 2 things that neither Wizard I had, a 50w MTL and 100w MC, could be described as being. As others said they are easily the most open and uncompressed amps I've tried; or at least in the top 2-3. Now, the MTL has these 'hollow' mids that I didn't care for...the MC100 was damn near perfect. I'd still have the MC100 but needed the funds from selling it to score a C+ Coliseum.
Something had to be up with it; maybe new tubes/bias needed?
What can I say? I test all amps at relatively high volume with a variety of cabs and the MTL sounded considerably more compressed than any other of my amps at that time. I'm not saying it was ENGL Powerball compressed but still more than I usually like. Its voicing was also more scooped which gave the impression of the amp having more low-end than the UL for example but this also resulted in the UL almost burying the MTL in a band context. I prefer my tone to be tight and somewhat mid-heavy and I like a lot of low-end if it doesn't take away from the overall tone and from that perspective the MTL didn't cut it. My friend (the MTL owner) speculated I just didn't like the MTL's diode clipping circuit but I'm pretty sure that's not it.

But since my friends/old band members will have our annual meetup in a few weeks at my place where we always end up reminiscing about old times and such I already wrote that he should bring the MTL. After that much praise in this thread I'll give it another try.
I owned a Deliverance 60 and the Pittbull Classic (aka CLX) at the same time and I actually preferred the D60 - it has a warmer/fatter sound IMO.

The D60 is my favorite high gainer of all time honestly; used it as my main gigging rig for over a decade and then stupidly decided to sell it for some reason. Definitely my biggest gear regret.

The Pittbull was very cold and clinical sounding in comparison which obviously could be a good thing depending on what you're going for. It kind of bordered on being harsh sounding in my opinion
I owned a Deliverance 60 and the Pittbull Classic (aka CLX) at the same time and I actually preferred the D60 - it has a warmer/fatter sound IMO.

The D60 is my favorite high gainer of all time honestly; used it as my main gigging rig for over a decade and then stupidly decided to sell it for some reason. Definitely my biggest gear regret.

The Pittbull was very cold and clinical sounding in comparison which obviously could be a good thing depending on what you're going for. It kind of bordered on being harsh sounding in my opinion
The first D60 I owned was a monster; 699 I paid 😮
I thought it sounded somewhere between an SLO but tighter, and my old Wizard MC. Which of course is killer company…
Yeah I had bought mine advertised as "B stock" on Music123 back in the day for like $900....when I pulled it out the box it was completely mint. I guess someone bought it and then just instantly returned it.

Now I look at the price of a new D60II and just cry