Guthrie Playing 'Fives' Through MacBook/GR3 Rig

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Ed Yoon

Ed Yoon

New member
Here's a clip of Guthrie playing 'Fives' from the clinic we did with Apple back in June at Cosmo Music in Toronto. He's got his Suhr Modern hooked up to a MOTU A/D interface going into his MacBook Pro running Apple's MainStage (component of Logic) program with the NI Guitar Rig 3 as the plug-in. He changed patches with the Ground Control Pro. It was more of a demo for how the MainStage program worked with Logic's other components like effects and third party programs like GR3 and AmpliTube (which Guthrie also has in his Mac).

Cosmo's clinic/performance hall had some lighting problems for the performances, so it's kind of dark but you could still see what he's doing fairly well. Guthrie didn't care for his own performance at all ("It's certainly nothing remarkable." was his comment) but that's sorta par for the course with him. I dig the solo a lot and it all sounds pretty good to me considering what it is. The backing track was running on his Mac as well. I think it's a nifty little rig for hotel lounge gigs or solo gigs or any other gig where portability is of the utmost importance. Enjoy! :rock:
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........Quicktime :doh:

Will check this out tomorrow from the work computer.
The man is so good it's just sick!!! I think thats the most gain I've heard him play with.