Honestly, Was the BE-100 Deluxe Even Necessary?

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ClintN667":2uobk63m said:
I was just about to mention Splawn as well. If you don't come up with new models then you are competing with the used market along with every other company. Which in my opinion is happening with Splawn amps.

The BEDLX concept is very nice, but it's way too busy. In the 3 to 4 days that I trialed the BE100-DLX I couldn't "make" it work for me. For me its a "passive" guitar amp overall even with the extraneous switching. Realistically, outside of a studio setting, in a live venue no one is going to notice. In rare instances (unlike Aristotle), the whole is less than the sum of its parts. Some of us traditionalists may say "less is more". Got to get it to talk before it can really bark.

Maybe check your diary if you'd like a refresher from when the all mighty MB RK blasted onto the scene. To some extent makes my Diezel seem bourgeoisie.


Giga.Blast":v6z8twux said:
The BEDLX concept is very nice, but it's way too busy. In the 3 to 4 days that I trialed the BE100-DLX I couldn't "make" it work for me. For me its a "passive" guitar amp overall even with the extraneous switching.

Can you elaborate a bit more? I'm probably reading your post wrong but sounds like in your opinion all of the extra options are actually taking away from the core tone. Like I said, I might be reading that wrong though. From your post seemed like you would be fine with just the basic BE-100.
Bob Savage":3u72i181 said:
I don’t know man, the more the merrier. I was just asking the boys last night when the BE-100 Super Deluxe was coming out.

MistaGuitah":3u72i181 said:
This is by no means a criticism, and I do not intend to project negativity in any way.

It’s definitely a criticism. Just own it.

Fuck you Bob. You are knowledgeable but you’ve been a cunt since The harmony central days. You aren’t cool. Shove your sarcastic remarks straight up your ass right along side your over priced pedal boards. He wasn’t being critical, just perplexed. Now go search my posts and melt your Forest Gump brain trying to compose a comeback. Or if this was too strong, act like you never revisited this thread.
I think its great. I never would have gotten my regular BE100 for the price I did if it weren't for the deluxe getting released. Im one happy camper. In fact I got mine for such a good price I had Dave do some awesome mods to it and Im still under what a Deluxe would have costed me.
Tone Monster":1m8lrs3r said:
Fuck you Bob. You are knowledgeable but you’ve been a cunt since The harmony central days. You aren’t cool. Shove your sarcastic remarks straight up your ass right along side your over priced pedal boards. He wasn’t being critical, just perplexed. Now go search my posts and melt your Forest Gump brain trying to compose a comeback. Or if this was too strong, act like you never revisited this thread.

Hopefully you keep a gross of tissues handy for emotional melt downs but at least you didn’t explain why you really aren’t being critical or negative.

Well done.
I personally LOVE my 2018 BE-100. I thought about holding out for the Deluxe but after having played it, the regular 100 is still "my sound" and I have no sour grapes about the Deluxe coming out. I find myself GAS'ing for another DS40 honestly. Sold mine to fund the BE and miss it every day.
Is the deluxe version any closer to an original marshall soundwise? Or does it still have that more tamed and polished friedman sound going on?
I would love to try one but I cant find anywhere and don't know anyone in Austin that has one.. Anyone have one round these parts? GC told me it was an online order online or there was maybe one in Dallas... Not even Houston.. I was there and called around as well..
The answer to the OP is:

Yes, The BE-100 Deluxe was very necessary. End of thread :lol: :LOL:
nzsteve":11riviei said:
I would love to try one but I cant find anywhere and don't know anyone in Austin that has one.. Anyone have one round these parts? GC told me it was an online order online or there was maybe one in Dallas... Not even Houston.. I was there and called around as well..

Don't trust GC's inventory. Wasted many hours over time to check something out and it wasn't there. Now I call directly and ask. Not to ask if they have it, i don't get off until a GC guy confirms physical inventory in his eyes or hands.
ClintN667":d83gas9p said:
I was just about to mention Splawn as well. If you don't come up with new models then you are competing with the used market along with every other company. Which in my opinion is happening with Splawn amps.

Scott has told me this directly. He said he's having a hard time competing with the used market and it's killing his sales.

New models keep interest up. I've talked to people who think that Splawn went under because they got real big and then the hype died, probably because he's been riding on the 2 main designs since the beginning, with small updates to each as he goes.

Super nice guy, and I know he has no desire to turn his operation into a Friedman style mass production, but he may end up putting himself out of business if he doesn't design and market some newer models.
Bad.Seed":1c8miogy said:
ClintN667":1c8miogy said:
I was just about to mention Splawn as well. If you don't come up with new models then you are competing with the used market along with every other company. Which in my opinion is happening with Splawn amps.

Scott has told me this directly. He said he's having a hard time competing with the used market and it's killing his sales.

New models keep interest up. I've talked to people who think that Splawn went under because they got real big and then the hype died, probably because he's been riding on the 2 main designs since the beginning, with small updates to each as he goes.

Super nice guy, and I know he has no desire to turn his operation into a Friedman style mass production, but he may end up putting himself out of business if he doesn't design and market some newer models.
Yeah Scott is cool as hell and makes a mean amp but you can get a minty Quick Rod and Nitro all day for about $1000. New is a tough sell. I'd love to see some preamp pedals, rack pre or new new 3 channels with Clean/QR/Nitro channels. Hell, why not???
swamptrashstompboxes":uk72qqn8 said:
nzsteve":uk72qqn8 said:
I would love to try one but I cant find anywhere and don't know anyone in Austin that has one.. Anyone have one round these parts? GC told me it was an online order online or there was maybe one in Dallas... Not even Houston.. I was there and called around as well..

Don't trust GC's inventory. Wasted many hours over time to check something out and it wasn't there. Now I call directly and ask. Not to ask if they have it, i don't get off until a GC guy confirms physical inventory in his eyes or hands.

Thx... yep thats what Im saying.. I called locally and when I was in Houston... was unable to find one to go and try... Im feeling like its got the things I wanted in it.. Does it have a boost setting for leads? I wanted something that could do different voicing.. with a great loop.. seems like this would be it..
I have had most versions of Dave's amps, including an early Marsha, the BE 100 Deluxe is my fav so far, really killer, the plexi channel is awesome (keep in mind MANY $2K amps out there do only this).

So short answer, for me, yes,
JerEvil":2l11zj7o said:
Bad.Seed":2l11zj7o said:
ClintN667":2l11zj7o said:
I was just about to mention Splawn as well. If you don't come up with new models then you are competing with the used market along with every other company. Which in my opinion is happening with Splawn amps.

Scott has told me this directly. He said he's having a hard time competing with the used market and it's killing his sales.

New models keep interest up. I've talked to people who think that Splawn went under because they got real big and then the hype died, probably because he's been riding on the 2 main designs since the beginning, with small updates to each as he goes.

Super nice guy, and I know he has no desire to turn his operation into a Friedman style mass production, but he may end up putting himself out of business if he doesn't design and market some newer models.
Yeah Scott is cool as hell and makes a mean amp but you can get a minty Quick Rod and Nitro all day for about $1000. New is a tough sell. I'd love to see some preamp pedals, rack pre or new new 3 channels with Clean/QR/Nitro channels. Hell, why not???

My thoughts exactly. If he put out some newer models every couple of years to rejuvinate his line, I bet his brand would stay more relevant. He'd have more of my money, no doubt.
Dave is smart with his release tactics, and he also listens to what his customers want, and then implements it. Basically the opposite of Gibson, which is probably one huge reason why he's as successful as he is.
Bad.Seed":3k924l84 said:
JerEvil":3k924l84 said:
Bad.Seed":3k924l84 said:
ClintN667":3k924l84 said:
I was just about to mention Splawn as well. If you don't come up with new models then you are competing with the used market along with every other company. Which in my opinion is happening with Splawn amps.

Scott has told me this directly. He said he's having a hard time competing with the used market and it's killing his sales.

New models keep interest up. I've talked to people who think that Splawn went under because they got real big and then the hype died, probably because he's been riding on the 2 main designs since the beginning, with small updates to each as he goes.

Super nice guy, and I know he has no desire to turn his operation into a Friedman style mass production, but he may end up putting himself out of business if he doesn't design and market some newer models.
Yeah Scott is cool as hell and makes a mean amp but you can get a minty Quick Rod and Nitro all day for about $1000. New is a tough sell. I'd love to see some preamp pedals, rack pre or new new 3 channels with Clean/QR/Nitro channels. Hell, why not???

My thoughts exactly. If he put out some newer models every couple of years to rejuvinate his line, I bet his brand would stay more relevant. He'd have more of my money, no doubt.
Dave is smart with his release tactics, and he also listens to what his customers want, and then implements it. Basically the opposite of Gibson, which is probably one huge reason why he's as successful as he is.

Maybe Scott should start modding again as well if he doesnt want to bother with creating new models. I've heard some demos of some of his mods that were actually damn good although I havent had one myself. He could take the Quick Rod and Nitro and change a few things here and there then bam a new model. The Friedman stuff to me seems like a root device(BE-100) with the other models being different variations or offshoots of that model which have enough difference to justify owning more than one. It seems like it wouldnt be terribly hard to tweak the QR/Nitro circuit and add features or change the voicing a bit to spark interest. I would love some rack stuff or pedals as well.

At anyrate to stay relevant you need to have some buzz going which is what Friedman definitely understands. Dave gets out there with artists,youtubers, etc and brings something new like the BE-100DLX. You cant keep a business going without making new products at least where music gear/electronics are concerned. You also have to do some sort of promoting your brand instead instead of sitting in Dallas scratching your head why amps arent moving as much as they were. Something as simple as putting an amp in a couple youtube channels could do wonders.
There is only so many ways you can twist a tube amp. A bass player in my band in 92 said all those amps you keep bringing to practice sound the same. LOL
panhead":2mh7a8yd said:
There is only so many ways you can twist a tube amp. A bass player in my band in 92 said all those amps you keep bringing to practice sound the same. LOL
That’s why he plays bass
LP Freak":s9xamjw5 said:
panhead":s9xamjw5 said:
There is only so many ways you can twist a tube amp. A bass player in my band in 92 said all those amps you keep bringing to practice sound the same. LOL
That’s why he plays bass
:lol: :LOL: