how lucky are we to have YouTube??

I was doing the same thing yesterday, catching some footage of one of the first blues fests I ever saw and one of the first blues bands I ever saw. Blues fests in the 90's and early 2000's were killer. Loud, big shows, huge sound systems, and cheap gate fees. Marshalls, Ampegs, Searing leads, heavy hitting drums. It's like the rocking blues style (not blues rock, there is a diff) has been dumped in favor of T-Bone lovers but I still like to play it the way I saw it with some of the live acts of the time. Some footage from that show. A killer regional band that often backed up Big John Dickerson "Down Right Tight". Heck yeah

It is great to easily be able to revisit some of these great moments.
Too bad the amount of utter garbage on youtube blackens these gems past the point of no return.

Old VH, Pantera, etc etc is fantastic to have access lots of great players doing their thing...think about all the auto repair shit we can access if we want to do it home improvement, etc.
YouTube is fantastic.
I can't imagine that another internet video platform wouldn't become just as popular.