I need a good R&R hat.

@Bagel and Creamcheese Man up with this.

He's wearing your hat Picasso. Hmm I wonder...

Donnie’s the fucking Mr. Dress Up of Rigtalk,
…and right now, after this morning, he’s breathing a huge sigh of relief:hys:

For a brief time this morning, he thought he would actually have to be himself on here.🤡😂😉👍
I used to think they were just for bad hair days, you know? But recently, I've started to see them as a pretty cool fashion statement. Not to mention, they're super handy for those sunny days when you just need a bit of shade.The variety is pretty crazy too, from fedoras to snapbacks, beanies to berets. But for real R&R, I've found that the more laid-back styles hit the spot. Something you can just toss on and forget about. Comfortable, but still stylish, you know?Actually, just last week, I stumbled upon a collection of Trucker Hats. Picked up a couple on a whim and I've been pretty pleased with them. They've got this casual, carefree vibe that just screams "R&R", if you ask me.