idea of running Pink Taco & DS Mini at once


New member
i am considering running a PT & a DS mini together into a 2 * 12 cab.
i love PT (i owned one, sold stupidly) and i guess DS mini can be a good partner with PT.

the idea came from Bray which can run 2 channels simultaneously in series or parallel.
i found it is sooooooo good to shape the great sound with enormous flexibility.

anyway... i'd like to hear your opinion / advice about this idea.

1. many ppl says "size is matter"
can the two 20 watts together stand well against a 40~50 watts EL34 amp?
i mean similar punchiness, similar low end girth and so on... (not loudness) which is beyond the limit of one 20 watts amp.

2. one speaker (in the 2 * 12 cab) per one amp is easy to connect.
how can i connect 2 amp outputs together into the one cab input?

3. can it cause the phase problem?
is so, what can be the solution?

4. are there alternatives which i couldn't think about?
or can it make potential issues that i cannot imagine yet?
If you set the DS Mini for a nice clean on the edge of breakup, since I believe that amp does this better than the PT, then set the PT to a full blown overdrive.

1. Two 20 watt amps won't be much louder than one 20 watter, but as far as punchiness and low end girth... your only going to get what either amp can do alone. Maybe a little more low-end with both amps.

2. Stereo cab, Non of the traditional or Friedman cabs will do this without rewiring.

3. Yea can cause phase issue, but running a Little Dual or Radial with phase switch might help.

Do you have either amp or any start on this setup right now? Would like to see and hear this especially if you run the PT20 and DS Mini in stereo. Good luck.
This is actually similar to something I was thinking of doing...using a DSM and a PT in stereo.

I would put both preamps into loops on my Helix, and use the Helix to switch which preamp is active, add FX and then output to both heads at the same time.

@Dave: Are the two power sections tonally similar enough so that one side wont sound too different from the other.
I run a DS combo and SB combo in stereo... Use Lehle P-Split II ( which handles isolation (no ground hum) and any phase issues. Both are in phase when using SB BE channel. If using a passive splitter, you'll probably want some sort of buffer or always-on pedal before it. Also, I only run delays though the DS loop... this gives me a wet / dry type of sound. Smaller gigs I'll just use the DS and be fine. But both together do sound glorious!