INCOMING !!!! another Suhr ; )


Well since i haven't been able to put my S3 down I've had serous GAS for another Suhr, dual humbucker for the heavier tracks in the set .............. so I pulled the trigger on this one ;)

Suhr Modern in Bengal, Doug Aldrich humbuckers and a Floyd ;)

holy fucking shit. i want to rob you. i'm sorry that's a terrible thing to say to someone but oh my god.
i literally had to pick up my jaw after those pics. :rock:
Wow, I just saw my next guitar!

I was trying to figure out which finish to order on my first Suhr when I do bite the bullet and now I'm going to have to be a copy cat!

Congrats! that thing is friggin amazing!

Looks awesome. Mine won't be here until June at the earliest, but when spending that kind of money I wanted something built just for me.