Insurance for amps and other gear

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I was woken up a few hours ago by the power going on an off. I'm thinking there must have been a nice power surge since half the breakers in my house were tripped. Several other homeowners in the neighborhood reported the same thing with tripped breakers. I do have measures in place for protection and nothing appears to be fried.

This got me thinking... It would suck, but if a little $200 got fried from this, not that big of a deal. I can go get a replacement and not hurt the pocketbook much. But now that I've acquired a couple of high dollar amps, if any of those were taken down by a surge or something how would I be able to afford to replace/repair them? I couldn't just shit out a pot of gold and be covered. I'm pretty sure homeowner's insurance won't cover something like this. Or if they did it would be a fraction of the price. I doubt they'd understand the difference between a custom built KSR and some cheapie off the shelf practice amp.

So I'm thinking it may be worth looking in to how to cover my gear in case of a power surge, house fire, natural disaster, etc. Those of you who have some expensive gear, do you have some sort of insurance policy on it for if shit does happen? Is it through a homeowner's policy with doing appraisals on your gear for coverage? Are there an insurance companies that specifically handle music gear? And if so do you have a recommendation?
(As I finish typing this... Why does this feel like a TGP type question as if I'm asking how to insure a vintage Gibson that'll never be taken out the case? :LOL: )
Home Owners & Rental Insurance can/does cover musical equipment, it's just either capped at a certain dollar amount or an extra fee on top for specific coverage (similar to an engagement ring).

If you like your current provider call them up and ask. You'll likely have to provide description/quantity/value of everything you have though.
I have a specific insurance (had to list all my gear and provide values / invoices) but got it primarily for gigging worry-free.
Home Owners & Rental Insurance can/does cover musical equipment, it's just either capped at a certain dollar amount or an extra fee on top for specific coverage (similar to an engagement ring).

If you like your current provider call them up and ask. You'll likely have to provide description/quantity/value of everything you have though.

For someone who has thousands and maybe tens of thousands of dollars invested in gear, the insurance company is going to want to know that. Probably something they'd have to charge more for or specifically list in the policy?
You can probably put your gear on a rider. I had a LP on one for awhile.

I installed a whole house surge protector at my electrical box and then all my gear is plugged series into 2 different high end furmans
I believe Heritage Musical Instrument Insurance is the company that gets thrown around a lot on TGP and other groups.
For someone who has thousands and maybe tens of thousands of dollars invested in gear, the insurance company is going to want to know that. Probably something they'd have to charge more for or specifically list in the policy?
Correct, unless you specify otherwise they'll assume a "guitar" is a $250 Squire.

High value items require specific additional coverage, typically. All depends upon your provider.
I have a specific insurance (had to list all my gear and provide values / invoices) but got it primarily for gigging worry-free.
Who do you go through for this, my insurance company won’t cover me because I play in a band that makes money, I need to get something to cover me while I’m out
Look into Heritage. Believe they specialize in music gear. Including botched tech repairs and shipping.
Going to be looking into them myself.
I scheduled my Norlin Les Paul’s through my homeowners insurance. I had to have them both professionally appraised and serial numbers documented. I get the appraised value if they’re lost in fire/water or stolen out of my house.

My amps are covered under a general item coverage for when at home. I did raise the coverage amount to make sure there was room for other house items.

My other Les Pauls and general instruments are covered under a general musical instrument rider that gives X money when a fire or water damage occurs.

I currently don’t gig so I don’t have gig coverage, but will get it when I do again.
I’d give Collectibles Insurance Services a call. I have a $40k policy on my gun collection and it costs about $400/year. You don’t have to turn in any kind of inventory list or appraisal, just tell them how much coverage you want.

The only reason I don’t use them for my guitar gear is because my “collection” is small enough and cheap enough that my homeowner’s policy covers it.
I’d give Collectibles Insurance Services a call. I have a $40k policy on my gun collection and it costs about $400/year. You don’t have to turn in any kind of inventory list or appraisal, just tell them how much coverage you want.

The only reason I don’t use them for my guitar gear is because my “collection” is small enough and cheap enough that my homeowner’s policy covers it.
Love to see that arsenal!
Love to see that arsenal!

Lol, it’s not nearly impressive as it sounds. Just like guitars, guns aren’t cheap (at least not the ones I like) and it doesn’t take many to start adding up. And a chunk of that insurance value is ammo and accessories.

Here’s a few of my AK’s for shits and giggles:
Lol, it’s not nearly impressive as it sounds. Just like guitars, guns aren’t cheap (at least not the ones I like) and it doesn’t take many to start adding up. And a chunk of that insurance value is ammo and accessories.

Here’s a few of my AK’s for shits and giggles:
View attachment 126619

Looks like you are well prepared for the zombie apocalypse!
I use Heritage, they specialize in music instruments

I scheduled my Norlin Les Paul’s through my homeowners insurance. I had to have them both professionally appraised and serial numbers documented. I get the appraised value if they’re lost in fire/water or stolen out of my house.

My amps are covered under a general item coverage for when at home. I did raise the coverage amount to make sure there was room for other house items.

My other Les Pauls and general instruments are covered under a general musical instrument rider that gives X money when a fire or water damage occurs.

I currently don’t gig so I don’t have gig coverage, but will get it when I do again.
Hey man, check your DM's on TGP (Metro). Can't DM here yet because account is too new or something.
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Lol, it’s not nearly impressive as it sounds. Just like guitars, guns aren’t cheap (at least not the ones I like) and it doesn’t take many to start adding up. And a chunk of that insurance value is ammo and accessories.

Here’s a few of my AK’s for shits and giggles:
View attachment 126619

Unless my eyes deceive me.. I see at least one NFA/Tax Stamp in there.. LOL