Johan Segeborn tests 15 Greenback Clones and Reissues Compared to an Original 1968!

To me the new production GB and the EVH GB have the old GB surrounded. The new one is brighter/crispier and the EVH is warmer/smoother. But both of them come pretty close. I liked those the most. The old one has the high mid presence and crunch better than all of them imo. The Emis were lol. The WGS was pretty good and the Weber was surprisingly good.
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I’ve got a straight front 4x12 loaded with 16 Ohm G12 EVH and another straight front 4x12 loaded with a pair of UK Marshall branded V30s and a pair of Scumback M65s in an ‘X’

Both very different sounding cabs. I prefer the V30/M65 cab - it’s warmer and fuller sounding. But I can’t get myself to swap the EVH speakers out of the other cab. Sometimes, that brighter, upper midrange focused sound is perfect for a particular amp.
Bruh WHAT lmfao

As far as the video, I like Jim Seavalls stuff. Scumbacks just have this inherently pleasing thing in the midrange to me.
Agree - I got a pair of M65s from Jim when I was having a hard time finding any used 16 ohm Creamback M65s and I’m SO glad I did. Great speakers. I’ve had a quad of Creamback M65 before and while I liked them, there was always something a bit ‘flat’ or 2-dimensional about them - where Jim’s M65s have this lively 3-D quality to them. It’s hard to describe with words - but you hear it instantly in the room.
Pls stop
SM57 pretty much cuts off where high frequencies begin. It’s an extremely midrange to upper midrange focussed mic.

This is the frequency chart of an SM57, you can see a clear increase in higher frequencies closer to 10Khz, which will make it sound in some cases harsh.
The sound is really harsh with the sm57. What might have worked back in the tape days certainly doesn't work today as the gear we have available today is able to capture the higher frequencies also.

I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, I guess

But the 57 is the industry standard for a reason - it's what the listener expects to hear when they listen to guitar based music

Medic, and I, and literally every other person who has worked in an actual studio for actual money will continue to use 57s and get awesome results
I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, I guess

But the 57 is the industry standard for a reason - it's what the listener expects to hear when they listen to guitar based music

Medic, and I, and literally every other person who has worked in an actual studio for actual money will continue to use 57s and get awesome results
Sure, and one of the reasons I really don't listen to music made after 90's is that the guitar tracks are extremely harsh sounding these days.
I'd say mic + today's conversion are at least partly to blame.

Sure, but it doesn't change the fact that SM57 is a harsh mic.
It can be. It’s all about mic placement. On snare drums, guitar amps, and lots of other sources- it just works. It’ll always be an industry standard for that reason.