Just pulled out the KSR Gemini after months ignoring it... wow!


Active member
I've had my Gemini since 2021 (incidentally, the one Joe Satriani used to own, and I believe used on his Shapeshifter album if the "Gear Thanks" in the album book means anything), and when I first got it I wasn't finding myself getting along--probably because I've mostly been in the Marshall flavored camp for all of my guitar playing life. I was able to bond with it eventually, but other endeavors and amps caught my attention, and it sat unused for months collecting dust.

I just rearranged my amp head tower of power, added it back to the tower, plugged into it, and holy cow. I don't remember it being this good. Chunky, cutting, and very very angry when the lead channel bright switch is engaged. I think the difference today is I'm using a Friedman IR of my 4x12 with just the Greenback and not the V30 mixed in. Normally I run both, but today I've just been using the GB sound and it seems to be much more balanced and overall good.

Who here is rocking their Gemini? What speakers / cabs are you running?
I've had my Gemini for not quite a year now and it makes its way through the regulator rotation. I still don't think I've made it through all the tones it has to offer. I mostly live on the white lead channel with switches to taste. Bright is usually on for the extra bite. I'm currently playing through my 212/115 cab with 2 12" Weber Grey Wolfs and 15" Blue Dog. It sounds massive.
I got mine over 5 years ago.
Added the internal lighting kit when it came out. Super simple to install with great instructions.
Great amp for sure. Lots of tones available in it. Total keeper and in the top 5 of my stable.
I think the only change I would make to the amp is have multiple values available for the bright switch on the lead channel. It reminds me of B2 on the Ecstasy, which cuts well and adds a ton of aggression, but can be a bit ice-picky. Sometimes I feel like I want a bright that’s in between off and on.
Very cool, always nice to discover something from what you already have. I love my Artemis II, great amps.

I use mine through a Suhr Reactive Load (which was modeled from a greenback) and several IR’s. I’ve been using Bogren Digital IR’s and love them. A couple days ago I bought the KSR IR’s and have been trying them, very good too.