Just wanted to give some love

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Dino 939

Dino 939

Well-known member
Hey dude(s),
I just thought I’d give props to Ground Zero Amps
for the killer various JCM 800, Bogner Telos,
& the Mesa Tremoverb, Triple Rec G & F modifications.
They all sound killer in a good unique way.
(Different applications).

The 800 Gold Leader.
I don’t own one but want one with a
Dave Navarro Mod- Nothing’s Shocking amp.
Plus a Telos Mod & a Tremoverb mod!!
-those all sound dope AF!.
and gettin’ around in those amps is next level skill,
It’s awesome you modify those brands of amps dude?.
And you can get around on the fretboard,
so you know what’s up..-you’re one of us!
Thanks so much man, I really appreciate it…

That Telos was like re-programming the space shuttle! I was blown away by the array of switching relative to the schizo switch. Reinhold really is a mad scientist. Very down to earth as well.

Last time I was over at Bogner, Reinhold asked me about the mods I did to the Telos. He was not offended in the least and was actually interested to hear about them. Really respect the guy for that.

I actually don’t know much about the Navarro amp. I’ll have to go look it up and find out.

Welcome back btw ??
Hey dude(s),
I just thought I’d give props to Ground Zero Amps
for the killer various JCM 800, Bogner Telos,
& the Mesa Tremoverb, Triple Rec G & F modifications.
They all sound killer in a good unique way.
(Different applications).

The 800 Gold Leader.
I don’t own one but want one with a
Dave Navarro Mod- Nothing’s Shocking amp.
Plus a Telos Mod & a Tremoverb mod!!
-those all sound dope AF!.
and gettin’ around in those amps is next level skill,
It’s awesome you modify those brands of amps dude?.
And you can get around on the fretboard,
so you know what’s up..-you’re one of us!
Yo Dino, it’s been a while haha

Welcome back ?