(KEEPING) Friedman Runt 50

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This amp RIPS. I'm keeping it!


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Do these Runts cut more than the BE-100? A little more raw? Hard to tell from the clips but they do suggest that there is more push in the upper mids on this guy?
Do these Runts cut more than the BE-100? A little more raw? Hard to tell from the clips but they do suggest that there is more push in the upper mids on this guy?
Never owned a BE, but the gain channel is based on the BE, and many say its a more raw version. I can say it's on par with the lead channel of the Smallbox, (which I've owned), which is a more vintage voiced BE channel. Bad.Seed, (Kyle) has owned one, (and demo'd online), and he's owned them all, I believe. He'll tell you was his favorite, and stated in his demo that he found it more raw/organic/less polished. And headlessdead guy had this amp, (before I begged to buy it back!). Maybe he'll chime in.

High mids are plentiful on the Runt, but the EQ is pretty responsive, so you can dial in pretty much whatever you want. You won't have any problems being heard in a mix, I can tell you that. The aggressiveness is in the presence - I run it high, and treble lower, (both high will take your head off). It's a killer amp that flies under the Friedman radar. I think by default you're going to get a more raw/organic tone, due to less bells/whistles.
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So this may seem like a dumb question I just don’t know can you still run the clean channel or does the hot mod modify both channels A.m. tech I talk to said it would depend on the amp that it’s possible it would only do the gain channel
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How dare you. You don’t really want it. You’ll see lol
Thank goodness.. if you would have come down any further I was going to get it even though I don't need it or have room for it.