Kemper info needed


Well-known member
I got a Kemper in trade over the holiday (been curious about them, have loved the clips I hear, and I got a great deal in trade for a piece of gear I no longer wanted).

It functions well, but seems to only have a few aftermarket profiles, and it hardly resembles a factory loaded Kemper (going by the number of profiles, etc).

My question for those who have Kempers - where would I get a manual and am I better off backing these profiles up, and then just trying a restore to factory presets?

Thanks for any help on this.. so many threads on Kempers, but I didn't see anyone in a similar situation.
Thanks in advance
You can download all the manuals on their site. They have tutorial videos on a lot of subjects too.
If you want profiles off your Kemper you can export them off using the Rig Manager and save them on your computer. Do backups before you move anything.