Liberal Gloating


Well-known member
It's such a pathetic spectacle when liberals gloat. Perhaps the most shameless aspect of it is they're always looking to gloat over something, and if there's nothing, they just make it up. According to psychology, gloating stems from a diminished sense of self, envy, and need to inflict pain on others in order to feel good about themselves. Currently, the liberal gloat-fest revolves around some phony, new Trump indictments. Being that liberals have a proclivity to project their view of themselves on others, it's interesting that they're all quick to call him a "criminal," "traitor," "spy," etc. Also, given that scientific research shows liberals are most prone to crime, drug and alcohol addition, sexual deviancy, mental illness, and child abuse, it shows that a liberal's sense of self is quite degenerate. Basically, when a person is decent, honest, and caring, they tend to see others as such. Likewise, because liberals know they are criminalistic, dishonest, and malicious, they project that image onto people they see as better than themselves.

What makes this research so interesting is that we can see it playing out right now. It's similar to the effect of peeing on an ant pile and watching the ants become frenzied. Liberals are so desperate to turn good America into the bad section of America they compose that they desperately look for even the most trivial opportunities to gloat and project their own wretched image onto others. It is indeed very sick behavior, but you have to remember, according to science, we are dealing with the most sick, deviant members of society. One of the pitfalls of sane people is to react to the gloating. Therefore, it is better to leave them to their gloat-fests because the product of liberal efforts always ends in chaos, cannibalism, and total failure. Essentially, separate from them completely then come back and claim the territory after they inevitably destroy themselves.


At least my comments are based on irrefutable data so enjoy wearing the dunce hats.
I do not recall urinating on ant piles in my youth, or otherwise. I do remember diverting them to candy trails. Roll a little of the sweet tarts to another place and some start to follow. Those dumb ants! Just wanting to eat some sugar though, I guess.
He could be Trump's lawyer. He definitely needs as many lawyers as he can get given that they’re all bailing on him.
If trump really gave a shit about this country he won’t run again. If he does, Biden is just going to win by default again.
Not that any great republican options come to mind but at least they would have a chance
If trump really gave a shit about this country he won’t run again. If he does, Biden is just going to win by default again.
Not that any great republican options come to mind but at least they would have a chance
What a delusional ALT troll you think it's all about YOU..............what about the millions who want Trump to run.