listed a guitar but decided not to sell it. Am I wrong?

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Lord Toneking
New member
So I regretfully listed a guitar for sale to help pay for closing costs on the house I am buying. Dude messages me and sends me a pic of all his cash and is ready to come get it NOW! I couldn't hook up with him because I had a Friday night show and there wasn't enough time for me to get off work, go home, shower, eat dinner, load up, and try to spend 20 minutes with my wife and kids before rushing out the door. I told him I worked Saturday till only 2:00 but then had another show Saturday night (early show with 7:00 start time) and I'd most likely wouldn't have time being that I'd have to head out around 4:30.

So he sends me a message Saturday and says that he's in my area ( he lives about an hour away). I'm thinking "why?" I never said to come up, I said I wouldn't have time Saturday either. But literally 20 mins before he sent me a message the seller of the house called and said she would pay for closing costs...Which saved me $5,000! So now I don't need to sell the guitar because I have already my down payment cash but didn't have cash for closing costs. I sent him a message apologizing and told him that my house deal came through and I wanted to keep the guitar. He didn't take it very well and slung some insults at me. I tried to let him know why I had listed it to begin with but he wouldn't hear it. I felt bad for the dude and said F it, I'll give him the damn guitar...whatever. When I went to send him the message he already blocked me on Facebook.

It's still bothering me a day later. I don't like letting people down, but damn...I really love the guitar and was relieved that I didn't NEED to sell it. Sorry for the long post, I guess I'm just trying to justify my decision :confused:
Fuck him. It's not like you sold it online, got paid, then decided to keep it.
You can change your mind at any point of the transaction, it's your guitar. You never had him come to the house then renig on the sale. The fact that he got angry over it shows he is unstable, would be paying with counterfeit money or there was something shady going on, no insults were warranted.

People are getting stranger and stranger these days. :confused:
You can change your mind at any point of the transaction, it's your guitar. You never had him come to the house then renig on the sale. The fact that he got angry over it shows he is unstable, would be paying with counterfeit money or there was something shady going on, no insults were warranted.

People are getting stranger and stranger these days. :confused:
Eh, if you agreed on a deal it is good form to follow through. I don't necessarily fault you for what happened. Kind of sucks for that guy, but the world isn't fair all of the time. He'll get over it. Despite your guilt, sounds like it all worked out. If he was so upset he had to block you, what else can you do?
In my opinion you have nothing to feel guilty about.. we’ve all had a piece of gear we wanted and someone beat us to it. So his sore feelings are just immature .. you have every right to change your mind and the fact he ad no compassion for your situation after you tried to explain it. Just shows a immaturity on his part !!
harddriver":2f09mttg said:
You can change your mind at any point of the transaction, it's your guitar. You never had him come to the house then renig on the sale. The fact that he got angry over it shows he is unstable, would be paying with counterfeit money or there was something shady going on, no insults were warranted.

People are getting stranger and stranger these days. :confused:

I agree.

It’s not like you set up a firm deal with a meeting time/place, etc. I think you got lucky. The buyer seems unstable. Imagine if they got buyers remorse? They would be showing up at your doorstep.
I've been on both sides of that situation before. Great to have to not part with the guitar but I've also been the motivated person that is staying in touch, driving an hour or so to meet the person, etc. so I can see both.

If it were me, I'd apologize once again for what happened and would offer to pay for the gas it cost for the guy to drive there. That is just how I roll but definitely not necessary. If you reach out and the guy is still being a dick though, screw him.
He never agreed to meet with the guy. There was no time and day set up.
Agree with most, if you change your mind it's your prerogative. Just apologize and move on. I've had that happen and it's a bummer but as a gear head, I also understand.
I can see the guy might get upset thinking that it was just a matter of the appropriate time to make a transaction but as long as you didn't make him jump through hoops like traveling to pick it up or sending money then you got every right not go through with a transaction. Just my opinion.
He sent you a pic of cash? ... ?

Snowflake...can't handle life.
I wouldn't have bothered with giving excuses and explaining why you couldn't meet him. When I was selling stuff locally I would say upfront here are the times and days that I can show you the item I have for sale are here is the place we will meet to do the transaction. If they freaked out over that I moved on.

That being said, I think you dodged a bullet with this one.
Just tell him you decided not to sell it but a few hundred more might change your mind :lol: :LOL:
Let me get this straight: This is just some rando that saw your ad and communicated with you on FaceBook? You then changed your mind about selling and he got mad and flounced out of the room and then when you tried to explain and apologize he blocked you like an angry teen girl?? Ha! Drink a beer and post a video playing your much loved guitar in your new house. Fuck that dick!
Oblivion DC":42oons82 said:
Let me get this straight: This is just some rando that saw your ad and communicated with you on FaceBook? You then changed your mind about selling and he got mad and flounced out of the room and then when you tried to explain and apologize he blocked you like an angry teen girl?? Ha! Drink a beer and post a video playing your much loved guitar in your new house. Fuck that dick!

Don't listen to Oblivion DC. I used to live in the Northern Virginia, D.C. area and his post is being fueled by traffic and high housing costs....

:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
Oblivion DC":2kloe088 said:
Let me get this straight: This is just some rando that saw your ad and communicated with you on FaceBook? You then changed your mind about selling and he got mad and flounced out of the room and then when you tried to explain and apologize he blocked you like an angry teen girl?? Ha! Drink a beer and post a video playing your much loved guitar in your new house. Fuck that dick!
This ! FUCK THAT GUY !!!