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New member
Below is a link to four tracks labeled A, B, C and D.
Each is the same, short demo track with a different
guitar recording on each.
Which is your favorite?
What do you like or not like about the guitar tones?
The song is just something I threw together for trying
some new recording techniques. It's nothing more than
content for the experiments.
Thanks for your time.
A then D

They sound the most open and cutting

B and C sound a bit more squashed
And muffled
In order of preference...

D, C, B, A

Would you please elaborate on how you did this.

Mic placement.

Mic selection.

No mics...Kemper etc.

At the mixing stage.

Very nice.
They all sound good, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be A followed by D.
I liked them all. They all seemed to express a different sentiment to me. "D" was an aggressive tone, followed closely by "A". "B" and "C" were more reserved tones. Kind of a tone you would use on a more reflective type song.

But, I did like them all. And, nice job on the mix.
D all the way for me.

I would rank B #2, A #3 and C I would scrap altogether.

A - seemed bright and crunchy, did not sound bad but maybe too much reverb?

B - seemed better, more aggressive, less reverb.

C - was just really bland to me and less agressive

D - was just awesome to me, aggressive, not too bright and just sat well in the mix to my ears.
sytharnia1560":2qblbici said:
I like B for the extra saturation it has ..... I think mixed with A would sound fantastic

This is my RM4 preamp with RT250 poweramp EL34 tubes.
A. Mesa Mark IV
B. Marshall Plexi
C. Kasha Rockmod
D. Bogner XTC

Out of the amp to the Suhr Reactive Load in to the Two Notes CAB.
These used a Friedman and Orange 4x12 from La Boutique.
Each consisted of a left and right track using one of those cabs
and various mic models.

I used Waves Neve V4 EQs on the guitar tracks.

The Suhr Reactive Load and the La Boutique Friedman and Orange 4x12s
are new to my system. These are pretty massive improvements to my ears.
I was using all 4 different preamps to try and acheive a similar tone.
My personal favorite for this experiment was A. Mesa Mark IV.
Thanks for all of the comments everyone.
A and C for this type of song. I think C sounded best but the guitar seems way more present as well.