matrix GT1000fx v GT800 fx :)

  • Thread starter Thread starter paulmapp8306
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OK, so ive been using the GT800fx for a year now, and today got the new GT1000fx. I have compared the two amps and taken some short videos. Nothing special, and no time for more as the 800 is already sold and needs shipping later today.

So - immediate thoughts. the 1000 is definitely more open than the 800, kind of hard to explain but i home the vids get it across. Theres also some top end presence on the 1000 thats missing on the 800 and these two things combined do make it seem more "valve like". Despite these changes the freq response is still flat - not quite sure how that is possible but it is. These changes also alter how things like pinched harmonics react - much better. The notes seem to jump out more than on the 800. Controlled feedback is easier too - though not a lot, however I have only played at home volumes so far so thats not really an issue. The 800 manages it at higher volumes (gig levels0 but struggles a little at lower levels - the 1000 seems a little better there.

not a lot more I can say, as its not really a review but a comparison and there pretty close actually. id be happy with either amp but the 1000 is certainly a notch better. its evolutionary not revolutionary and kind of similar to the AFX ultra and the AFX2 in the early FW iterations of the 2.

so - where do the amps fit. The 1000 is IMO worth the extra £100 over the 800 IF you have the money and IF your buying new. If you cant stretch to the 1000, the 800 is still a very good amp and worth the asking price but id suggest if you can stretch you do. Whether its worth replacing an existing 800 with a 1000 is a different question. if you want the best, or are picky - then yes, if your tight on cash and a home/amateur player then no maybe not. What it will mean is some 800s available on the used market and if thats where you looking at buying then the 800 and probably half the price of a new 1000 is still really good valve, and it will put that used amp in the same kind of as a new Art SLA2 - that choice is a no brainer.

Anyway - some vid links. ive not actually played them back yet so they wont be great, but hoping you get the differences. There are 3, but the last is still uploading. ill link it when its done.

This one is the 800:

GT800FX v GT1000 pt 1 800 - YouTube

This one is the 1000:

GT800FXvGT1000 pt 21000 - YouTube

This one is both in the same vid:
Nice comparison, I've been contemplating trying out the gt800. There seems to be a noticable difference on the cleans with the 1000 compared to the 800. For the gain comparisons, I don't hear any difference (based on the video clips)
There is a difference with really high gain stuff as well - the extra top end helps a little, while the string definition is a little better. It doesnt come accross so well on YouTube - its close though.

The classic/80s gain levels theres not much in it at all. The cleans much more so - especially with Single Coil loaded guitars.

For some styles the 800 is actually better - Think those thick Santana tones. The 800 is a little more congested in those mid regions so the tone appears thicker and the little bit of top thats lacking smooths it out as well. For more aggressive tones, or clean lines the 1000 seems a better amp.
"So - immediate thoughts. the 1000 is definitely more open than the 800, kind of hard to explain but i home the vids get it across. Theres also some top end presence on the 1000 thats missing on the 800 and these two things combined do make it seem more "valve like". Despite these changes the freq response is still flat - not quite sure how that is possible but it is. These changes also alter how things like pinched harmonics react - much better. The notes seem to jump out more than on the 800. Controlled feedback is easier too - though not a lot, however I have only played at home volumes so far so thats not really an issue. The 800 manages it at higher volumes (gig levels0 but struggles a little at lower levels - the 1000 seems a little better there."

we just got the 1000 in at the shop, we are gonna do some comparison testing today. But from a/bing i quickly did, your pretty much on point
Tone Merchant":1dlc49o7 said:
"So - immediate thoughts. the 1000 is definitely more open than the 800, kind of hard to explain but i home the vids get it across. Theres also some top end presence on the 1000 thats missing on the 800 and these two things combined do make it seem more "valve like". Despite these changes the freq response is still flat - not quite sure how that is possible but it is. These changes also alter how things like pinched harmonics react - much better. The notes seem to jump out more than on the 800. Controlled feedback is easier too - though not a lot, however I have only played at home volumes so far so thats not really an issue. The 800 manages it at higher volumes (gig levels0 but struggles a little at lower levels - the 1000 seems a little better there."

we just got the 1000 in at the shop, we are gonna do some comparison testing today. But from a/bing i quickly did, your pretty much on point

Don't tell them that!! I just ordered the GT800!!! Darn Rig Talk!!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :lol: :LOL: