Misha Mansoor's gotta good taste for guitars after all

The man has great taste for sure, but that fretboard color is not for me, personally. Makes the guitar finish look really washed out. Looks cheap…
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Missyour Mansword strikes again.
Mansplaining Misha
The actual Jackson Masterbuilt version is 100x better than these. I agree that this version looks cheap in comparison.
Probably the simple design, no flashy tops, gold hardware etc.
Nah, something about the color and wood combinations. The neck looks like what you get on every model now - that same baked maple ranging from $300-$3k model guitars it seems. The color looks a bit goofy and everything altogether looks like it could have used more time in development or styling. I am down for basically just a Strat, but this one is ugly. Weird, as the old Fender seafoams and blues with a Maple board are killer.
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