Mod it possible that it's this good?


New member
I recently received my Egnater Mod 50 back from a tune-up from Mr. Egnater himself. I had reported, in this forum, some noise on start-up. He gave some simple tube tests to run to isolate the problem. He personally emailed me the next day to see how the diagnostics worked. (yes, he went out of his way to check on my amplifier) I was unable to isolate the problem. He sent me schematics if I wanted to get it diagnosed locally, and also offered to do it free if I paid shipping. Needless to say, I sent it to Bruce. Diagnosed and fixed within 24 hours. Turned out to be noisy resister....unusual. Got the amp back and HOLY MOLY, now you're talking.

I started with a T/D module and a COD module. I sent the T/D to be upgraded to a D/D module....(totally killer change). While the amp was with Bruce, I got a good deal on a Bassman module which arrived the day after the amp returned home. Now I'm running D/D and a Bassman modules. Ok, I'm starting to understand the whole flexibility of the module design. Imagine have a clean channel Deluxe Reverb, a bluesy channel Deluxe Reverb, a clean channel Bassman, and a totally badass ZZTop style pushed Bassman channel. my, oh my. I'm sitting in front of my amp for hours at a time working out different licks. I'm trying a variety of open and closed back 1x12 and 2x12 cabinets. Sonic ecstasy. I'm mostly a rockabilly and blues player with my current band, so the Egnater is really perfect for me.

By the way, I installed the Weber Beam Blocker on all my speakers now....killer design and very effective for smoothing out the tone of any speaker......significant sonic breakthrough in my opinion.

I can honestly say that it's been a long time since an amplifier seized my attention so strongly. My Mod 50 is going to the next gig in place of my beloved MESA LONESTAR SPECIAL. (I love that EL-84 tone).

Thank-you Bruce for incredible customer service.....I am over the moon for this amp. :yes:

PS - I'm looking to add a VOX module.
The Deluxe I think is one of Bruce's best modules. i can't figure out why I don't have one :confused: If you like the Bassman you will Love the Vox. Get one as soon as you can. It kills. If I could have only one module it would be a Vox. Maybe an SL. That's another one you'd like.
BEST amp I have ever owned. Bruce also personally helped me with an issue on the Bassman. KILLER customer support! :thumbsup:

The Bassman tight mod made it my favorite clean tone - one cap! The SL is my new favorite module. :yes:

I tried Weber Beam Blockers but thought they muffled the tone a bit. I just don't see the need for them. Your mileage may vary. ;)
I've got a few cabinets without the weber beam blockers and a few with. What I'm finding is when I am sitting in front of the speaker cabinet, which is essentially the most accurate sonic signature of the cabinet, without the beam blockers the treble is way too pointed. If I turn down the treble to defeat the piercing tone, the character of the mids and lows is compromised. If I use the beam blocker, then the entire frequency range flattens out and I can adjust the sonic characteristics of the cabinet without having to compensate for the uneven frequency dynamics of the speaker. The beam blockers work for the same reason that sound techs mic the side of the speaker, not the front of the speaker. The tonal dynamics on the side of the speaker are much more even. Just one person's opinion, but I find myself equipping more and more of my speaker cabs with beam blockers, and really, really enjoying the results. :yes:
Wagster":q9sl5dm6 said:
Has anyone compared the Beam Blockers to the Tone Bra?
I haven't.... The beam blockers do have some phasey sounds going on, but I like the's because the blocker isn't sometime, I'll change the speaker cone piece they use with foam.....Bruce Egnater has a great article on his site about beaming speakers.....Espiecally with 4/12 closed back cabs.....the problems, the solutions....and his solution is a 4" round piece of 1" foam glued to the back of the grill cloth....
I seriously tried the glue-foam-to-the-grill-cloth, method, and it didn't work so well.....(perhaps a lack of commitment on my part to really glue something to the grill cloth).....the foam kept falling off......oh well. I have not tried the tone bra, looks like it's well done, but perhaps just that much more stuff blocking the sound waves with all the extra axels crossing the cone. I would like to try one however.
I guess I never found a need for them. I mean I have used greenbacks inMarshalls, CL 80s, 75s, and recently the 100s and never found an issue. I tried blockers but didn't see the need. Just my opinion. Now, V30s? That's another story!
It took me a while to warm up to the Mod 50. Now that I have a handle on it I'm loving it. I get more compliments with this rig than any of my other amps. The FOH guy came up to me this weekend and said " Dude you're way too loud but I don't care because your tone is killing, I'll just mix around you" :rock: