monkey business

There are a lot of people making a lot of antimonkey remarks. If we don't all hang together, guys..


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As a member of Something Involving A Monkey, I don't want to see any anti-monkey remarks. We're doing our best, gosh darnit!
I appreciate the work Monkey Man does here on the forum. The classifieds thing was a little strange and it kind of came out of the blue, but it was apparently needed. Monkey clearly puts a lot of time into moderation here and is trying to clean things up all for the betterment of the forum. Monkey is ace in my book.
You guys are too-kind, hilarious, scholars and gentlemen; I tip my B-Boy cap to you all! ❤️

I appreciate the work Monkey Man does here on the forum. The classifieds thing was a little strange and it kind of came out of the blue, but it was apparently needed. Monkey clearly puts a lot of time into moderation here and is trying to clean things up all for the betterment of the forum. Monkey is ace in my book.
Thank you mate! I think I needed this after paying for my hard work last night with a bit of a beat-down this morning. :LOL:
I voted for monkey man to become a moderator. But my fear is that the Planet of the Apes becomes a reality. I will do what has to be done to prevent that from happening.
Ahhh!!!, You finally really did it, didn't you??
You MANIACS...Arghhh...
You blew it all up!!..No....,No..
GOD DAMN you all to HELL!!

All kidding aside Smashedguitarplayer,
Imagine having to wake up to that on Monday?
Such a classic scene
For real Smashed.
So rad, Heston's like, you Motherf'rs actually
did it.....I'm stuck with these filthy apes..ARGHHH

I'd be thick as thieves with the "Dr", psychiatrist.
Like Hitler having a personal doctor keepin'
him insanely toasted,
I'd be havin' that filthy ape Dr hit me
with 8 different opioids all throughout the day
like good ole' Adolf' would consume..
Seriously though, ("Blondie"')'s brown leather jacket is F'N BOSS.
Bonham also rocked one of those champions!
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For real Smashed.
So rad, Heston's like, you Motherf'rs actually
did it.....I'm stuck with these filthy apes..ARGHHH

I'd be thick as thieves with the "Dr", psychiatrist.
Like Hitler having a personal doctor keepin'
him insanely toasted,
I'd be havin' that filthy ape Dr hit me
with 8 different opioids all throughout the day
like good ole' Adolf' would consume..
Seriously though, ("Blondie"')'s brown leather jacket is F'N BOSS.
Bonham also rocked one of those champions!
Hitler died cuz he couldn't take a crap because the 5 years during WW II his "personal Dr." was shooting him up IV with so many narcotics. That shuts down your bowels. The pistol to the head was just the whipped cream on top.
German's invented a form of meth too. During the Blitzkrieg across Europe the Army units were smoking amphetamines to get all jacked up to kill men/women & children without a conscious.
Tiananmen square massacre China shot up all Army troops with amphetamines before they fixed bayonets and killed everyone.
The Militaries around the would have had various nasal inhalers loaded with amphetamines to keep troops alert/awake on long missions the last 100 years.
Things your recruiter won't tell you.
Its all public record.
For real Smashed.
So rad, Heston's like, you Motherf'rs actually
did it.....I'm stuck with these filthy apes..ARGHHH

I'd be thick as thieves with the "Dr", psychiatrist.
Like Hitler having a personal doctor keepin'
him insanely toasted,
I'd be havin' that filthy ape Dr hit me
with 8 different opioids all throughout the day
like good ole' Adolf' would consume..
Seriously though, ("Blondie"')'s brown leather jacket is F'N BOSS.
Bonham also rocked one of those champions!
Hey Porch'Monkey,
I must inform you:
I DIG' AUSSIE WOMEN like a miner loves gold.
Gonna have to move the thread to OTC...

The Militaries around the would have had various nasal inhalers loaded with amphetamines to keep troops alert/awake on long missions the last 100 years.
So the idea of the Jem'Hadar's reliance on Ketracel-white via permanent-surgical delivery in DS9 wasn't completely-original; perhaps the authors got their inspiration from what you're talking about, Sam:

From Memory Alpha Fandom: Ketracel-white

Ketracel-white (or simply white) was a chemical compound created to be an addictive narcotic that contained an isogenic enzyme. One of the active ingredients of white was yridium bicantizine. The Jem'Hadar soldiers of the Dominion were genetically engineered to lack the enzyme which white provided, and required frequent doses of the drug to survive. The white also provided all the nutrients they required, alleviating them of the need to eat or drink.

Without white, Jem'Hadar soldiers suffered withdrawal symptoms including pain, anxiety, loss of mental control, and inability to "shroud"; eventually, the Jem'Hadar spiraled into homicidal insanity. First killing their enemies followed by their allies, they inevitably turned on each other. Ultimately, their entire genetic structure collapsed. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals")