Multiple Amps, Diezel Cab Combination?


Hey Guys

I'm trying to decide on what type of cabinet to buy for my Herbert. My Current setup is which i play all simultaneously.

Mesa Dual Recto Pre-500 2 Channel /Mesa Recto Cab
Bogner Uberschall Rev 2 /Mesa Recto Cab
Diezel Herbert /Mesa Recto Cab

I'm considering swapping out the Mesa Recto cab for a Bogner Uberkab for the Uberschall so i can get some G12T-75 flavor. As for the Diezel the Mesa cab is ok for now, I know i need to get a Diezel Cab, but which one Front Loaded w/V30's or G12K-100's or Mix, Rear Loaded? I mostly play Detuned 7 Strings, and 8's, and Anywhere from Heavy Riffing/Palm Mute Meshuggah to Opeth to AC/DC. As for cleans the Diezel is the only amp on at the time. I would like a cab that will complement the other amps. I treat the Mesa as my highs the Bogner as my mid's and the Diezel as my low's. Any advise on what combination that i should go with would be greatly appreciated. Only the best for my Herbert. :thumbsup: :rock:

Thank you very much for your help.
For your style I would go with the 4x12 Frontloaded with the G12K100. Very tight and fast attac! No muddy bass at all :thumbsup:
Enjoy and have fun :rock:
Cool Cool, seems that the Front Loaded G12K-100 is the winner. Thank you guys for your input, it is greatly appreciated.
I'm sure the Front Loaded will give me that Phasing effect with the Rear Loaded Mesa Cabs.
