NAD 1966 Dual Showman.

The normal channel has treble and bass knobs, when I turn them both all the way down there is still sound. The second channel, or tremolo channel, has treble, mid and bass, if I turn those all the way down, there is no sound coming from the amp. Very interesting.
I think that’s normal. In the normal channel there is a fixed resistor for the Mid pot. If you turn up the Mid pot on the Vibrato channel it should behave the same as the Normal except for Vib/Reverb of course.

With old Fenders you can always tell what impedance they were designed for by just counting how many speakers it came with and knowing that they were ALWAYS 8 ohm speakers. The DS cabinet came with two speakers so it wants to see 4 ohms. It’s a Twin Reverb in a head.
Great looking dual showman. Also a fan of the normal channel, it sounds more raw and direct.

I am a big fan of changing the mid cap from a 0.047uF to a 0.022uF (super reverb value), I find it thickens up the sound a bit and works better with dirt pedals. On my 70 twin reverb, I has the volume as a push pull to go from the 0.022uF mid caps, then I pull to put another 0.022uF in parallel and thus getting a 0.044uF equivalent mid cap.