Neil Zaza's rig


New member
Hi guys,

Just wanted to share the Diezel love here with a pic from a show that I did last Saturday. The Herberts sounded great that night and we taped for a double live CD, but when I heard how it translated to the recorded tracks I was blown away! Viva Peter Diezel!


Well, that´s one hell of a fine rig u got there!!!
Now all you need is a nice Diezel Cab!

Go and get it, that´s an order. Hehe. Happy new year man!!!
Actually, I have two on order right now. That will complete the rig for sure! :mrgreen:
That's a great shot Neil. We've all been following this relationship very closely, so it's cool to see this photo now. Even though we know this amp well, I am sure that I speak for all of us when I ask that you please keep us posted on the release of the new disc.

I have been a fan for some time, and am looking forward to hearing the 2 of you together.

Have a successful and peaceful new year.

Here are a few pics from my friend Neils show the other night, it was astounding. The Diezel Herberts sounded better than anything IMO, these monster heads work so well for many types of music, tones galore. Neil stated the recording turned out great. I can't wait to hear this cd.

I love my Herbert as well, I used a Rocktron blackface Intellifex the last 2 weekends, in the switchable loop, returning the loop in parallel. THE LOOPS ARE KILLER. Lots of times, in the past, when I had used other amps with effects loop, the effect is there, and the effect can be dialed quieter or louder as needed, but they take away from the great distortion of those other heads.

My Uberschall kills too in the very ultra heavy devistating crunch mode, but add the Intelifex to the loop, you will have effect, but the initial dialed up tone is thinner, it does suffer. So what I am getting at here, is the quality of HERBERTS LOOPS. Awesome job Peter on this. Hands down one of the best loops ever in a amp. I have owned many, so trust me I know what I'm talking about.

I am so jonesing- to get my 20 space rack wired up with the SWITCHBLADE GL/ EVENTIDE ECLIPSE/ INTELLIFEX/ ROLAND SDE2500(the rare midi one) I have, and easily patch, midi matrix wise, and and all of my effects anywhere in a signal chain, out to any of my half stacks. HEHEHE Sick huh


Neil knows what I'm talkin about :)


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nice rig neil!

rack seems to be familiar for me :LOL: , nice job.

with the diezel cabs, we are gonna get virtually the same rig.



I'm glad you noticed because your rig was the inspiration for my road case! I wish I had another two rack spaces, though.

The 2 Diezel cabs you have coming will be a nice addition to that fine Diezel rig. Please upload a pic when they arrive. When do we get to hear some some Diezel action either thru Diezels clip section or youtube? Any chance of uploading some Neil...Please :)

Larry Gunn
Hi Neil, the first pic is (of course) on the official site - go "users" - and a link to your site as well.

Congrats for the two cabs - pic needed of course :D

I ordered my case from Diezel, Peter Stapfer.
I'll get it when it's built ;)
Sorry, I obviously didn't have to give any dims.

I ordered both my dual head/rack case as well as my "live in" 4x12 case from Affordable Case (really they are Barry Cases) in St. Louis. Here is their URL:

The case are really great construction and they already have the dimensions for every head and cab known to man. The case for my Herberts were a stock order and I didn't have to give them any dimensions.

I'll warn you, though, the dual head case my roadies tell me is unbearably heavy! :mrgreen:
NZ":4e34e said:

I ordered both my dual head/rack case as well as my "live in" 4x12 case from Affordable Case (really they are Barry Cases) in St. Louis. Here is their URL:

The case are really great construction and they already have the dimensions for every head and cab known to man. The case for my Herberts were a stock order and I didn't have to give them any dimensions.

I'll warn you, though, the dual head case my roadies tell me is unbearably heavy! :mrgreen:

Rig looks fantastic. By the way Neil, "Forget to Make Her Mine" is on constant rotation on my iTunes atm heh.

I really hope this Diezel Herbert deal i'm trying to pull comes through...