New Cab Day With a Cool Ending


New member
I've had a BE100 for a few months, and I love it. However, I haven't been completely satisfied with my cab, a Marshall 1960ax with greenbacks. I had been thinking about getting a Friedman cab for a few weeks when yesterday I spotted one for sale on craigslist at a great price. It even had the vintage grill cloth, which is what I wanted. I immediately emailed the owner and set up a time to pick it up. When I got to his house, I found out the owner was Jeff Young, former guitarist of Megadeath. I'm not a Megadeath fan (a little too heavy for my taste), but Jeff can flat out play. He was super cool, showed me some of his gear and we talked amps and pedals for a few minutes. Best craigslist purchase ever!

For the record, Jeff is still rockin' a Friedman amp through a Friedman cab. The cab he sold me was an extra one that he wasn't using much. Needless to say, I was very happy to take it off his hands.
I saw Jeff Young play at the Randy Rhoads Remembered event last January while at NAMM, yes he can certainly play. Congrats on that cab!