New Rebel 30 Head / 112X Cab Owner!


New member
Hi everybody,

I just picked up a new Rebel 30 Head / Cab today and am blown away with all of the great sounds achievable in both channels with such a small and light weight package!!

So far, I have just experimented with plugging my guitar directly into the amp with no effects....and WOW....what a great sounding amp!! :)

1. The clean tones achievable in channel 1 are fantastic which is a must for me, but when pushing the volume to 3/4+ and backing the wattage down, I am able to achieve a fantastic old school light crunch in this channel as well! Channel 1 is incredibly flexible with many great sounds achievable!

2. I also am loving the wide range of awesome distorted sounds that I am hearing from Ch2.....from mild overdrive bluesy to "Marshallesque" sounding crunch and sustaining lead solo sounds depending on how I set it. Once again, incredibly versatile with an amazing pallet of great tones achievable in this channel as well!

I also own a Renegade 212 combo and love that amp as well, but I wanted a great sounding 2 channel amp that was easier to transport for smaller venues / jam sessions.

Without question, I have found that amp in the Rebel 30!!

Great Job Egnater and Thanks!! :thumbsup:
I am totally in love with my Rebel 30. I think for the size and price, it's unbeatable. The tones that thing produces are ALL great!
Thanks Dan...and glad you are digging yours as well.

I continue to be very impressed with the features/sound of this amp while playing it the past few days. It is something that I really look forward to when arriving home from work!!

Excellent! :LOL: :LOL:
dgaemc2":3iecf4y1 said:
Thanks Dan...and glad you are digging yours as well.

I continue to be very impressed with the features/sound of this amp while playing it the past few days. It is something that I really look forward to when arriving home from work!!

Excellent! :LOL: :LOL:

When I first got my Rebel I was mainly using the clean channel as a pedal base, and when I did use channel 2 my gain was just a little under full blast.
But over the last year I have come to appreciate the seriously warm tube tone this amp produces on channel 2 with the gain right at about noon or little under. It's great for plain ole rock and roll, and reminds me of the tone from Mike McCready on the new Pearl Jam CD and some of the older Tesla CD's like The Great Radio Controversy.
The Rebel 30 definitely covers serious ground, hope you enjoy it.
Thanks Steedee.....oh yeah, I am enjoying it alright!

Clearly, I love versatility of great cleans to slight breakup in Ch1, but also the versatility in Ch2. I really like how Egnater intentionally set the gain knob on Ch2 for a very gradual increase until about 1 o'clock in that it really does allow for fine tuning a wide variety of great slight to medium distortion sounds in Ch2.....especially when experimenting with the tone knobs, toggle switches, wattage knob and tube mix knob. This is a very versatile amp in a small package with a great sound that can be quite loud!! :thumbsup:
I'm using the Rebel 30 combo with an extension 112 cabinet and I love this rig. I play in a band that does a lot of old rock, surf music, country, rock-a-billy, and some Jazz. The clean channel on this amp delivers all of that. People are always complimenting me on the tone. I use a P90 equipped hollowbody (Hamer Newport) and a Strat, and both guitars sound amazing through this amp. I've also had very good results by using the clean channel with a compressor on my guitar. It's one of the best sounding amps for country Tele-style or rockabilly that I've ever heard, soundling like an old Deluxe. The best part about the setup, though, is that it is so light and compact that I can use it for nearly any situation (Church, small clubs, large stages, indoors, outdoor gigs, etc.) I just use the extension cab when we're playing larger venues to add a little more volume. The extension cab also helps add a little bottom end to my surf-guitar sounds which is great.
