New To Diezel family - Einstein combo


New member
Hi there to everyone:

I recently adquired a Diezel Einstein combo and I have to say that it suits me perfectly. I love the way it feels, specially the dynamics, that are totally different to another amps (the crunch mode from the first channel is very very original, an amp inside another amp), very liquid sounding with a strong bassy feel that makes a 3d sound in your face, you must be carefully with the deep and presence knobs depending on your guitar, mine is very bassy.

I'm gonna record in May with my band and I'm more than excited about it. I always loved the Diezel trademark sound, it's simply a matter of taste, everyone has his own, but in the Diezel family I always was into the VH4 sounds, that are, very special.

I feel that the Einy covers perfectly the Herbert channel 2 modes + and - without the mid cut and it's more than you would need in any situation. I tune in B with a 7 string and the Einy don't get muddy, really.

What I was wondering is if it's possible to mod the second channel from the Einy, going into a vh4 channel 3 feel, that is very, very FAT and tight. It's not something I need but it's always nice to know there's the possibility.


Thank you Olaf and Peter :)

I know I will enjoy this forum, and I hope to contribute with my recordings in a very near future.

Best regards you all.