New user here - question about multy amp wiring

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Greetings - I have both a Tweaker 40 and a Tourmaster. I use these mostly in a home studio situation - but I would like opinions - Do and Don't etc for connecting both amps for utility of switching as if 6 channels of preamp were available . I want to use the same Effects loop for either amp. My assumption is that I would use one or the other amps clean channel as a master and wire the effect loop and one amps pre-amp out / effect send to translate those pre-amps settings to the master amp. OR- I could use these in stereo mode - but I'd rather not have to dance channel switches and set up a secondary effects loop to each amp. Any ideas?
1) Put all your dirt pedals in front of the two Amps, I mean, your guitar, then the dirt pedals, then, finish with an A/B/Y box (Imuse the Radial Big Shot ABY) then channel A output of the A/B/Y box to your Tweaker and the channel output B of the A/B/Y box goes to your other Amps (I Use two Tweaker 40)
2) Put all your modulation pedals in the usual order BUT start with the Boss Line selector LS-2: there is a mode that use it as a line mixer. With it, your are mixing the two returns, one coming form your Egnater and one coming from your other Egnater. The Keys is that, because you have a portentiometer for each channel, you can dial exactly what level of return you want and it mixes it in mono: My first pedal in my modulation chain is mono in /mono out, then, that's why I need a "mini mixer" to make it work. If you have your whole,chain with stereo pedals, you can skip the LS-2 but you loose the ability to adjust the volume of the send from the two effects loop.
3) The effect send of your Tweaker loop goes to the LS-2 channel "a" and the effect send of your other Egnater goes to the channel "b" of the LS-2. Note that Radial has released the equivalent of the LS-2, the MIX 2-1...
4) Make sure your last modulation pedal is a stereo one, for me, it's a TC Hall of Fame. One output of it goes to your your Tweaker return and the other output goes to the return of your other Amp.

Plus and minus:
Minus: a bit complicated to implement, I did a schematic before (attached)
Plus: your can choose to use, only one Amp with the effect loop, or both. Your can dial the proper amount of volume coming from the send from each Amp. As you have a channel switch for both Amp, you have an infinite number of possibilities. And as you have the Egnater footswitch to toggle the loop, you can choose to use only one Loop of one Amp...

You can also buy the Radial Twinline which will be simpler but you must have mono modulation pedals, with stereo pedals, it doesn't work....And when I did my pedalboard, it hadn't been released yet, so....But it will be simplier...

Dropbox 1: Pedalboard schematic ... S.pdf?dl=0

Dropbox 2: detail of the buffer plus the bypass switch for the whole pedalboard, to go straight to the Amps ... D.pdf?dl=0
Thanks for the reply and pedalboard layout. You've come up with a few cool options that I'll try out.
The funny thing is that I did that for fun and to be able to provide a nice pedalboard for whoever is going to come and play with me because I barely play guitar, just two/3 chords that I know of but I've been playing Piano/Keys/synths for years and thus, I usually know quite a lot when it comes to tech stuff....