New Wizard Model: Hell Razor

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Looks cool. I hope it’s an original design that sounds killer.
That’s pushing $7k after taxes, i could mix any combo of four amps from my collection and it wouldn’t total $7k, it is insane
How much is a IIC+...and that's what, a 35 year old amp? Just saying, not trying to be douchy.
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I don’t fault Rick’s prices. If the sound coming from the speakers is worth it to your ears then it’s worth it. Lots of expensive amps out there as guitars but there’s a market for them. I’m excited to hear the first demo or clips when this new amp hits the market.
Bro, Blades is the industry standard consultant on anything guitar, not only did he have a hand in the new wizard, Suhr, Anderson, fender custom shop, PRS, and Marshall all use him now. The guy is an elite creative constantly breaking and then pushing past boundaries that limit the rest of our feeble minds.
And just think it all started with that ingenious idea of cupholders in the top of his amp

Somebody sure thinks a lot about their own work.

nobody is forcing anyone to buy it

you think you could get a friedman or whatever for the same price they sell for today if Dave was actually building them. You pay a premium because if the guy building it. Whether or not that is of value is subjective. He gets what the market allows him to get.
Hey more power to the guy if he can sell them for that price and more power to the people who pay it and love the amp they get.

But good lord that's high.

High is relative. $1000 is a fortune to some and pocket change to others. I have a neighbor who flips high end sports cars like I flip amps and thinks nothing of it.

I want an ESP custom shop. Price on those is comparable to a Wizard. What’s the difference… people still buy them. I have a harder time spend $ on guitar than I do amps.
High is relative. $1000 is a fortune to some and pocket change to others. I have a neighbor who flips high end sports cars like I flip amps and thinks nothing of it.

I want an ESP custom shop. Price on those is comparable to a Wizard. What’s the difference… people still buy them. I have a harder time spend $ on guitar than I do amps.

Everything is relative, sure. Elon just spend 44 bil on an internet machine that shows him millions of people dunking on him all the time. That still doesn't make Wizards less "relatively" ludicrously priced compared to basically everybody else currently building amps.

Not saying the amps aren't great, btw. I love em. But wow.
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I have found some pretty righteous sounds off the ole line 6 tone library online….pretty good for a 50 dollar pawn shop score and a 5 dollar usb cable. That’s $6045.00 to the good. I would love to try one out though…never had the pleasure of playing a wizard…
I would suggest you don’t try it.. it’s a slippery slope once you get on it. Wizards sound and feel so incredible that they ruin everything else, to the point that 6k is justified for a lot of folks on this thread ;)
I remember the days when my pod x3 did it for me.. ah well :P
I would suggest you don’t try it.. it’s a slippery slope once you get on it. Wizards sound and feel so incredible that they ruin everything else, to the point that 6k is justified for a lot of folks on this thread ;)
I remember the days when my pod x3 did it for me.. ah well :p
You nailed it and that is exactly what happened to me. If you are researching about them and think on paper they are what you are looking for....well...I suggest you have the money on hand when you get to play one.

Are they for everyone? No amp is. But if that type of response/feel/tone is what you are after? Nothing does it better than a Wizard. I have definitely gone back and forth a few times lately thinking about selling off my other amps and getting a few more Wizards. Lol!!

They are certainly expensive, but it is what it is. Getting a Private Stock PRS or Custom Shop ESP is super expensive as well and a Wizard is pretty well the equivalent of that, amp wise. Anyway, excited to hear more about this new beast.

Also, looking at the controls: is that a separate rythm channel and then 3 high gain channels (3 gain controls)? Or a rhythm and lead channel, where the lead channel has 3 gain controls? Wonder what is going on there..