!!!NGD!!! Suhr Arrived...!!


Well-known member
Yet to be played, she just showed up via Mr. UPS... Can't say anything about it other than the fact it seems alright - has 6 strings, smooth neck, nice maple top, some definite curb appeal. But I'll know once I get into a couple hours of playin' 'er to know whether it's a rah-rah day or not :yes:

Seems alright so far... But looks mean dick in the world of tone :D

But of course, on that note, here are some shots...



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Nice....I found 'em to be an acquired taste...didn't immediately bond with either of the 2 Suhrs I've owned previously......but I love the Modern I have now.
Yo Cats!

Been jamming on it for a couple hours now... It does what I wanted - it's got sparkle and spank as per my hopes of a single-coil capable, maple necked and fingerboarded ax. Shimmers. And with a bit of pick bite, gets immediately into the funk zone. Been playing it on my re-built 'now-boutique' Classic 30 loaded with a Gold Alnico, gold lion EL84's and NOS pre's. Sounds sweet.

Some stuff I noticed right off the bat, this ain't a top shelf guitar... The pick guard's not perfectly lined up with the screw holes, and there's a bit of a sub-snob feel to it. However, I can get through this with the tones it's thus far giving me. If I wanted a $5000+ guitar, I'd have purchased another one. But, seeing as this was my first bolt-on, true strat-style ax, I figured I'd test the waters with a middle of the road model. I love the speed and velvety feel of the maple neck, and in its build - it's tight feeling.

So far, so good :thumbsup:

More to follow in a couple weeks :D

~Abstract~":pvf084t3 said:
Thas beautiful! stunning!

Seems a shame to cover any of that pretty wood up with plastic... :aww:

Ya, well... It is a strat style guitar and that's the way they work ya know... Nevertheless, it's got some seriously nice tone to it. Great playability, nice detail in the wood work, but most of all, it has a sound I was aiming for, real nice feel to it, and thankfully, ISN'T a Fender :bleh: I just can't get along with Fenders, nothing personal, they just take what little talent I have and flush it down the toilet :LOL: :LOL:


PS - great avatar, that is one very down to earth, very cool dude...
I posted a small update on the Bogner forum about this guitar and the 20thA. Needless to say, the 2 and 4 position with the pup toggle is incredible... Hendrix Heaven. Ultra sharp, crisp and articulate. DAMN fine guitar and I'm ultra stoked with this being my first successful foray into the world of bolt-on, Strat-proper guitars... \:D/

Awesome player!! :salute:
Ventura":24jjsbqj said:
I figured I'd test the waters with a middle of the road model.

Middle of the road? Man, you sure walk a different road than me :LOL: :LOL:
ke2":3rmfzls5 said:
Ventura":3rmfzls5 said:
I figured I'd test the waters with a middle of the road model.

Middle of the road? Man, you sure walk a different road than me :LOL: :LOL:

Aw hell Dude, it's all relative really, ain't it?? I was thinking "middle of the road" as it wasn't some pimped out Modern or the like. But yer right, anything over $2G isn't really "middle of the road". I remember when I saw $999.00 on a price tag for a guitar back in the day and thought " :shocked: holy shit you gotta be REAL GOOD to own one of those!!!". Times change, as do incomes.
