Once Upon a Time... Larry Q&A


Well-known member
... meanwhile 23 years ago, at the time, as the introduction of my very first Dino just has been 3 years ago...
... I still didn't build too much of my own amps. At that time I've merely built 3 or 4 DINO's every year, but...
... I've built, or better rebuilt lots of Marshall amps.

It's always been the same way, that first I've ripped out all & everything, what's been inside the chassis.
The entire circuit, pots, jacks, aso. and I've left over just the transformers, the electrolytics & the output tube sockets on the chassis.
Ok, for measuring and drilling holes, punching holes for additional preamp tube sockets, aso. temporarily I've also removed the trannies.

Then - until 2005 - I've used solder strips for creating a completely new circuit.
I've drilled additional holes into the fron & back of the chassis for additional pots & jacks...
... and sometimes I've made even a new front panel for my Marshall rebuilds.

Usually I've built 3 channel amps w/ Clean, Crunch & Lead with additional tube based effects loop.

Just a week ago, one of my rebuilds came back to its 'father', asking for retubing plus update.
Here it is, the nice baby - named DINO JM 732

And as you can see on the following photos, there's not much left over of the original Marshall:

Oh yes, there's some sentimentality creaping up inside me, when a 23 y.o. baby of me is coming back...
... and after circuit update and retubing then is simply sounding so overwhelming, that my eyes became slightly wet :thumbsup:


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Thanks for this.
I’m not going to pretend what the heck all those circuits/ wires mean or lead to.
But totally love what I’ve heard from you thru the years. :rock:
And yeah.... I get little misty eyed myself these days. ;)
Awesome. Man. It’s only Rock n roll.....
But we like it. :D
Until Larry says he's not happy about this, I'm going to make this thread a sticky and append "Larry Q&A" to its title.

Controlled_voltage suggested that a Q&A thread with Larry could be something members would appreciate, and I agree. After all, Larry seems happy to share his thoughts about all things amp-building, so why not let's turn this nostalgic reflection from the man himself into an opportunity for peeps to ask whatever they like of him?

Let's leave the design-rip-off stuff out of it please. We all know Larry's not the one doing this and copying of his circuit designs has been covered ad-nauseum in the general RT sub-forum.

Have fun. :thumbsup:
... meanwhile 23 years ago, at the time, as the introduction of my very first Dino just has been 3 years ago...
... I still didn't build too much of my own amps. At that time I've merely built 3 or 4 DINO's every year, but...
... I've built, or better rebuilt lots of Marshall amps.

It's always been the same way, that first I've ripped out all & everything, what's been inside the chassis.
The entire circuit, pots, jacks, aso. and I've left over just the transformers, the electrolytics & the output tube sockets on the chassis.
Ok, for measuring and drilling holes, punching holes for additional preamp tube sockets, aso. temporarily I've also removed the trannies.

Then - until 2005 - I've used solder strips for creating a completely new circuit.
I've drilled additional holes into the fron & back of the chassis for additional pots & jacks...
... and sometimes I've made even a new front panel for my Marshall rebuilds.

Usually I've built 3 channel amps w/ Clean, Crunch & Lead with additional tube based effects loop.

Just a week ago, one of my rebuilds came back to its 'father', asking for retubing plus update.
Here it is, the nice baby - named DINO JM 732

And as you can see on the following photos, there's not much left over of the original Marshall:

And finally some photos of the amp chassis out of its head shell:

Oh yes, there's some sentimentality creaping up inside me, when a 23 y.o. baby of me is coming back...
... and after circuit update and retubing then is simply sounding so overwhelming, that my eyes became slightly wet :thumbsup:
There's nothing that triggers my gear acquisition syndrome like gutshots of Larry's work.

That Dino 2004 preamp especially :love::love::love:

Now that @SBlue and @EddyLenz have shared their older Dinos as well, R/T has the most Dinosaur pornography this side of DeviantArt.

All hail Larry!