Plastic Chrome Humbucker Covers


I've been noticing quite a difference lately between my guitar with chrome pickup covers vs one without (same guitar model, both with Duncan JBs). It makes sense that throwing a big piece of metal between the coils and the strings would affect the tone, but I hadn't realized just how drastic that difference was. The tone with the covers seems like it has a much more muted top-end, with not as much bite. I tend to prefer the sound of the uncovered pickup, but absolutely love the look of a nice chrome pickup.

So I thought: what about a chrome plastic (or other non-metallic material) cover? I would assume that since it's not made of metal, you wouldn't get as much of a tonal change. Would that would work the way I'm hoping? I would assume that such a thing would probably be prone to wear more-so than an actual chrome plated piece of brass/nickel, but I'm curious to try it.

Then the next question would be, where to find such a thing? I've found a good bit of single coil chrome plastic covers, but no humbuckers. Also, the plastic humbucker covers that I have found are all solid with no holes for the pole-pieces. I guess I could try drilling out and spray painting a black plastic one with chrome paint, but that's a last resort.