Question about changing the room in Arcade Mode


New member
Just finished setting up my Captor X and installed Wall of Sound but one thing I noticed is that when I change the room in Arcade mode it doesn't seem to do anything. If I switch to Simulation mode I can see that the Reverb is set to completely dry and I can turn the knob towards "wet" to hear the room effect.

Is there a way to do something similar in arcade mode?
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There is no Arcade mode in the Captor X. What you are describing seems to me to be Wall of Sound. WoS is a plugin and has no ineraction with Captor X (and any other hardware).
Yep, I meant WoS. Thanks, I've edited my original post to clarify. Still getting used to the differences between WoS and Torpedo remote as well :)
The Reverb in Arcade Mode of Wall of Sound is linked to the distance of the mic towards the cabinet. This allows the player to have quick settings at hand. The more you move back the microphone, the more reverb you get. If you want more in depth settings, I highly advise you to use the Simulation mode.