re posting for some feedback


This is my friend who is having issues. Anyone qith thoughts feel free to let 'em rip...

A friend of mine recommended this forum as a possible resource for this issue, so here I am.

I recently picked up an Egnater Vengeance head, and I although I really like the sound and overall features, the effects loop is a major issue.
Over the last year I have put together a pedal board that I like and it works flawlessly with my Marshall DSL40c. I got the Egnater thinking that since it has a buffered serial effects loop it should work just fine with my board. Wrong. None of the pedals sound as good as they do through the Marshall, but the bigger problem is that there are several pedals that completely kill the volume and tone when I switch them on. I've emailed back and forth with Egnater about this, and they've been friendly and helpful, but none of their suggestions have helped and I'm now thinking that this is just the way the loop is designed on the amp. So my question is, can the effects loop be modded so that it doesn't affect the tone/volume of my pedal rig? It kinda seems like a headroom issue, but I'm not too tech savvy when it comes to such things. I otherwise dig this amp and I want to make it work, but I'm at the point where I'm thinking about returning it due to this issue.

Any help or suggestions will be much appreciated!
I mean..Most likely.

I am not an amp builder but I would imagine the Loop could be replaced? Maybe not modded. I am unsure but there are a few builders on here maybe one of them will see this and chime in.
Sounds like the loop signal is too hot and it's slamming the pedals. If they have buffers in the signal path (i.e. not true bypass) then just having them in the loop at all can kill volume and tone.

You could try using a clean boost right after the SEND, but turn it down such that it isn't overloading the pedals. But then you'd likely need another boost at the end of the chain (right before RETURN) to boot it back up to the level the amp is expecting. One of those boosts could be a graphic EQ to further tweak your tone too. But this might still sound like poo.
How high does he set the channel volumes? Those often are the "send level" for the FX loop. If he runs the high, it maybe be too hot for the pedals. G-Labs makes a gizmo to drop the level down for pedals. or you could turn down the channel volumes and run the master volume higher.

If turning down the channel volumes doesn't help, I'm kinda out of ideas. Some loops just stink.
Likely either a signal level or impedance mismatch issue.

- like others said, try adding a buffer pedal.
- put 1 pedal in the loop at a time to determine if a certain pedal is the issue, and if it just doesn't like being first or last in the chain.