Ready for AI vocals?

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I wonder how long before AI can whip out convincing Van Halen guitar parts and John Bonham drum tracks.
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I wonder sometimes how many us us here are real
It’s going to be in every aspect of our lives so fast, with no restraint, it will be too late when we notice enough to want to stop it. The Armageddon we’ll have on jobs is going to be epic. I hope the young people all excited about the nifty A.I. fixing pics in their phone are going to love it taking them out of the job market.
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I honestly think A.I might be humanity's downfall, I think stuff like scifi action movies "Terminator" have taught us this valuable lesson LOL It seriously is a thin line between that and reality, if A.I deems humanity incapable of evolving to stop wars amongst itself, then itself is a threat to its own existence and A.I will "protect" us with dystopian nightmare.
I honestly think A.I might be humanity's downfall, I think stuff like scifi action movies "Terminator" have taught us this valuable lesson LOL It seriously is a thin line between that and reality, if A.I deems humanity incapable of evolving to stop wars amongst itself, then itself is a threat to its own existence and A.I will "protect" us with dystopian nightmare.
I've worked in AI for decades; the biggest threat of AI today is taking white collar office jobs, and it's accelerating.

It's now in HR, customer service, call centers, but also in supply chain, logistics, distribution, market trading, security, financial analysis, equipment maintenance schedules, business analytics, "carbon footprint tracking", forecasting and executive information systems,

there are many jobs that will be simplified which is a way to foster adoption by those who will soon be out of a job.
There will always need to be someone to crawl into an undesirable space to fix a physical thing. Maybe in many years robotics and building engineering will take that too but it will be one of the last things we can do. A.I. will dispatch this person. A.I. will handle account manipulation and billing. A.I. will do the follow up and marketing. But A.I. can’t crawl under a house, through a breezeway or through an attic to repair and replace cabling and piping….for now anyway.
But A.I. can’t crawl under a house, through a breezeway or through an attic to repair and replace cabling and piping….for now anyway.
That's not far-off from what I can tell brother.

I posted a clip in OTC the other day of some pretty-reasoned and deft handling of physical objects by an AI robot.
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There will always need to be someone to crawl into an undesirable space to fix a physical thing. Maybe in many years robotics and building engineering will take that too but it will be one of the last things we can do. A.I. will dispatch this person. A.I. will handle account manipulation and billing. A.I. will do the follow up and marketing. But A.I. can’t crawl under a house, through a breezeway or through an attic to repair and replace cabling and piping….for now anyway.
yes skilled trades and many jobs with physical aspects will take more time and require not just AI but robotics which adds to the costs and complexities.

unskilled labor / low skill labor such as fast food workers, people who stock products on shelves, unload/load trucks, etc. are much easier.

as I mentioned, the easiest jobs to replace are white collar workers who work with data, much of which is already stored and transmitted electronically. people who are customer facing, such as sales, will take longer to replace.

if all you do all day is generate reports, enter data, search for data, or analyze data on computers, you will be the first to go.
yes skilled trades and many jobs with physical aspects will take more time and require not just AI but robotics which adds to the costs and complexities.

unskilled labor / low skill labor such as fast food workers, people who stock products on shelves, unload/load trucks, etc. are much easier.

as I mentioned, the easiest jobs to replace are white collar workers who work with data, much of which is already stored and transmitted electronically. people who are customer facing, such as sales, will take longer to replace.

if all you do all day is generate reports, enter data, or analyze data on computers, you will be the first to go.
Which is funny considering how many data analyst jobs I see (looking for work right now). Get hired and just as you’re OK’d to get in on the stock purchase plan you’re let go because HAL is up to snuff. lol
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if all you do all day is generate reports, enter data, search for data, or analyze data on computers, you will be the first to go.
Support your local blues police, they will help prevent the robots from taking over your area music scene. Give the robot guitarists PRS' and they will be destroyed before they can do any real damage.
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Which is funny considering how many data analyst jobs I see (looking for work right now). Get hired and just as you’re OK’d to get in on the stock purchase plan you’re let go because HAL is up to snuff. lol

that's why they need to get into AI - now! :D

data analysts - not all are the same, e.g., data scientists, data designers, etc. It's more about the people on the business-side that use data, update/add/track data vs the technology side of data which will take longer.

it's more the business white collar data workers (they're first) than the IT/tech data workers (they're next).

that said, some databases already have AI built in, such as Oracle's Autonomous Database that can perform various admin and DBA tasks automatically.