Remembering Mark Abrahamian


New member
I was surfing the web and saw some guys post on the Marshall forum selling a 2010 mod 5 as the 1st one or only one or some shit and i just shook my head.
I talked to Mark for about 2 years before i had him build me my amp in 08.

He was such a cool dude to me and we talked for hours on the phone about Marshall amps and tone.
I've owned mots of amps over the years but the 2 that i've kept were my Bray JTM and my custom 12series from Mark.
Such a fuckin loss and it just pissed me off some dickhead trying to make a buc on a name. My chassis is signed with the mod list and its going to go with me to the grave. It was the 2nd full build he did.

Sorry for the rant - "now go do some pushups - M. A."

Best ,
He was a great member of the metro forum when it was more happening in the kit building days. I wish Metro still did kits as that forum was a hot bed of great discussions and tips on builds and mods. Mark always had plenty of great clips flying around. Kudos for reminding us of a good dude who left us way too soon.
There was a French Canuck on eBay trying to sell his mod 5 a year ago or so for like 10k....he was mocked relentlessly. Met Mark way back in 2002 I think, band I was in opened for Starship at a festival locally. Nice guy and a very good player! RIP
He definitely knew his stuff. When I would search the Metro forums years ago, he always helped people out in tone.

He was on here awhile too. I'd love to play his mod 5 someday at an amp show or something.
I saw that ad too and realized i had enough internet for the night. Thats cool you met him. I think back to that time a lot as shit was really good back then and he really changed the way i approached a heavy sounding guitar sound forever. I think i remember some of the board members in New Jersey doing amp fests. Its a real bad ass amp and i would bring it down to a jam to let some other folks enjoy it for an afternoon.

I did end up grabbing a JCM 800 with a mod 5 from a fellow RT member. It was nice, maybe a little sweeter top end but really not a lot different than an 800 and a nice pedal. If you can get one for a decent price go for it but don't pay a kings ransom for it. And Mark had the mod priced right..even though it was easy to do according to some 500 wasn't bad. Can't stand the guys who try to rape on re-sale.