Replacement for Nova Delay


New member
I'm on my 2nd Nova delay which is on the fritz and I'd like to try something else. What are some good alternative delay pedal/units?
Shitloads of good delay pedals out there; digital, analog, analog sounding digital, etc.
I currently own a TC Flashback (standard), MXR Carbon Copy, Boss DD-3 with JHS analog mod, TC Nova Delay, TC Nova Repeater... I love them all, they're all good for something
I'm currently using an old Korg SDD-2000 rack delay though... :D
Love my flashback. For the record, at least in my area, the popularity of the flashback has put a ton of Line 6 DL-4's on the market and they can be had for not a lot of $$$. It's a solid pedal, just doesn't sound quite as good as the flashback IMO.