Rival Sons anybody?


New member
So I've been listening to Rival Sons the past 6 months or so and am completely engorged in their music. I guess you can call them a "Rythm and Blues" band but they're so much more than that. Every album has it's own mind mapping out sophisticated flavors of rock and pure energy.
Jay Buchanan has such powerful vocals and the searing leads from guitarist, Scott Holiday are a beautiful combination. One of their slower songs "Jordan," was recorded live at an interview in California, acoustically. It's truely one of those points in life where time stops and you become enthralled in a beautiful moment. An angelic voice! Here's the YouTube link.. songs starts at 2min.

Just caught them on Palladia.. high voltage festival in England? I thought the singer was great!
I just found out about these guys a couple of months ago. I love their music. We need more solid rock bands.
Great band.

Can you tell me what exactly the concert was on Paladia...I want to record it, thanks.

Maybe you can do a search on your dish or whatever system you have, and let us know the date when it will air again.

I heard about these guys when that cat who won American Idol (Caleb- fantastic singer in his own right) mentioned that this was his favourite band. They have a cool vibe for sure, love the keys. Almost like they are hipster rock. What is that I hear on the guitar? Is his tone essentially a fuzz pedal into and octave pedal and into the Orange amps? Very cool thick sound. Almost like a stoner tone but playing soulful rock music. Very interesting vibe they have going on here.
Dig 'em lots. Aside from great songs, their production is a refreshing throwback to an era when you felt like you were in the room when it was laid down. Everything breathes & sounds like/is live-off-the-floor. Jimmy Page himself has extolled the virtues of this band. And rightly so.
