S switch and the gain knob on BE-100


New member
i posted this question on the other forum.
but want to make it clear with Dave's confirmation.

what is the difference between "lower gain knob + high gain S switch mode" and "higher gain knob + low gain S switch mode"?
i cannot hear the substantial difference.

what's the concept behind "S" switch???
why did Dave make it, even though there was already the gain knob?
I answered on your other thread, so at the risk of being redundant...

The low gain tones using the gain knob tends to lose compression and playability really. It gets really sterile.

The lower gain tones with the S switch keep that Friedman feel and are easier to play.

It's more of a feel thing than an actual tone thing.

As far as to why that is the way it is... I'll wait for Dave to chime in once he gets back from Summer NAMM of course.
Just allows you to set the amp up with the gain range you need. That way you can keep you gain higher which is a fuller better tone.