Short audio clip of the Larry Dino 962.

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Devin":2blkprev said:
Sounds killer!!

Thanks man! Much appreciated.

The crazy part is how the Larry just sounds good straight off - with most of my amps I have to hipass/lopass, use mic preamps that "color" the sound, elaborate micing technique like fredman clips or phase tricks with room mics...

With my 822, I just close mic an sm57 on axis on the grill and BAM. There's the sound.

This is my newest one:
I was actually responding to SBlue's clip, but I just checked yours out and it also sounds rad :rock:
SBlue":178ssw28 said:

:thumbsup: Very nice again! The sad thing with Larry clips is that (of course) you can’t experience the force and dynamics they have when you experience them cranked in the room. But that’s a given of course. But a part of the magic. What speakers did you use with the 2nd channel in this clip?
SBlue":1kmy5av1 said:
Those are Celestion 65 speakers in the WEM cabinet,

Pretty cool. Are those old school G12-65s with the large dustcaps or newer modern G12M-65 Creambacks (higher power greenbacks)?
SBlue":3nv9yt5c said:
True Alex.
It's amazing how tight, clear, fast and big the low end is on the Dino. It's something that you need to be in the room to appreciate.
The other thing is how tight and precise this amp is, but never feel stiff or dry.
Those are Celestion 65 speakers in the WEM cabinet, which is what we used with the Dino, Cameron, 2C+ and most of the Frank Levi #34 JMP.

Thanks for the info!
Found two more in the camera.
Channel three with boost off.

Wow, you have gain on 2 oclock on the second clip (if I can see it correctly)? Did you change the preamp tubes for that? Mine is super saturated with that setting. I'd say I have to dial in around 11 to get the gain of your clip. Or do you dialed down the volume on that (very cool) nice Ibanez?
Wow, you have gain on 2 oclock on the second clip (if I can see it correctly)? Did you change the preamp tubes for that? Mine is super saturated with that setting. I'd say I have to dial in around 11 to get the gain of your clip. Or do you dialed down the volume on that (very cool) nice Ibanez?

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Hey Alex
Yep... the gain is at around 2:00, and the Red Boost is off. The preamp tubes are the stock Tungsram that Larry selected for the amp. This Ibanez is a very smooth sounding guitar. But the amp also doesn't get too saturated without the Red Boost engaged. Which is perfect for me, because I can get the typical Dino gain, tightness and fast attack with or without saturation. It still has a lot of gain on the third channel increasing the gain knob, and without the boost. we just didn't need it when they were trying the amp.

Very interesting! Time for some tests on my side ;-)
Hey Alex,
are you using the volumes at the same levels? Also, what speakers? These G12-65 seems to be quite smooth and dark compared to Greenbacks and V30s

Hi Blue,

besides the gain, I use almost identical settings on the British (the only I looked closely) as in the "yellow Ibanez video". I slightly adjust presence or treble to match the guitar I play. To my ears presence and the treble sit At different frequencies, so I balance pre and power amp depending on which frequency I want to boost a bit (depending on guitar). I usually prefer lower presence (even down to 8 oclock) and higher treble. With my Setup the presence can get a bit biteing if too high, so I use it very carefully. Is that similar to how you do it?

For the speakers: I have tried a few and actually the Dino with all the EQs switches can work with all I tried (but of course you still have the "sound of the speaker" in the end). I by a far actually very far prefer Blackbacks H75 in a Marshall cab from the mod 70s. That is for me the perfect match! (Of course all a matter of taste and highly subjective). As far as I know Larry uses a Blackbacks M from the 70s (not sure if 55 or 75Hz) a lot when developing his amps. For sure also a great match, I personally prefer the H75. But again a matter of taste and I haven’t had a speaker the Dino wasn’t good with. (Well I don’t like V30s but that is independent of the amp ?)

For G12 65: as far as I know there are many many variations of it. I actually tried one 4x12 with the Dino. Sounded good but to my ears a bit to thick in the mids and dark as you wrote. Personal taste again. And yes smooth as well, but so are the Blackbacks H, the M have more bite but are also more "mid focused". Unfortunately I was not able to try old Greenbacks yet. Should work very well with the British Chanel in theory... Speaker are really a world on its own, so many, so hard to do comparisons and a huge impact on the result...

ciao Alex
I still haven’t found a preferred setting on the amp, since a lot of different people used it at the studio, so it was more their settings.
Another thing I’ve forgot to mention, is that all the Three channel switches were off, which also brings the aggressive character down quite a bit, especially the mids and the bright one.
So far, my favorite cab with this amp is a 97 Anniversary, with Greenback reissues and a Kerry Wright 4x12 with blackback 30 55hz
Funny thing is... there is not a single time I’ve plugged this amp and it disappointed. Best multichannel amp I’ve ever heard by far.